Sarah M. Brim


Peligrosamente juntos
Second Assistant Director
El fiscal del distrito Tom Logan es propuesto para otro cargo más importante, pero antes tiene que hacerse cargo de la defensa de su impredecible cliente Chelsea Deardon, que veinte años atrás presenció cómo su padre moría en un incendio junto a sus obras de arte. Se la acusa de robar algunos de los cuadros que sobrevivieron al incendio.
Johnny Bull
Second Assistant Director
An English girl comes to America to join her American husband in a Pennsylvania coal town in the late 1950's. She faces the ire of her new mother-in-law, a former Hungarian with different ideas about the life and culture that her son should have.
Dos tipos geniales
Second Second Assistant Director
Dos bribones intentan engañar a su jefe, pero éste, que es mucho más listo de lo que ellos piensan, les tiende una trampa contratándolos para que se maten el uno al otro.
Private Sessions
Second Assistant Director
A therapist goes outside his office and into his patients' personal lives to help them. He is treating a man who is hearing sounds but apparently there is nothing wrong with him psychologically. And a woman who despite being in a healthy relationship goes around picking up guys and having sex with them. She decides to seek help and what the doctor learns is that the problem goes back to her childhood and her family.