Giordano Rossi


Ardiente paciencia
Tras convertirse en el cartero de Neruda, un joven se sumerge en un mundo de metáforas y rimas que alimenta su deseo de convertirse en poeta y enamorar a la mujer de sus sueños.
Kevin y su novia Evelyn están acampando en el bosque cuando ella es secuestrada e impregnada por seres de otro mundo. A medida que la entidad dentro de ella comienza a crecer, Evelyn descubre que sus antojos solo pueden ser satisfechos por la carne y la sangre humanas.
In a not too distant future, in the Republic of Chile, the young detective Joyce Nova fulfills her functions in a thin line between law, morality and her particular vision of justice: after having suffered a horrendous crime firsthand and seeing the criminal be protected by the political power in office, her idealization of a just world has become dark and punctual. The closest thing to justice and criminal punishment, for Joyce, will be revenge.
Hidden in the Woods 2
Follows Anny, a survivor of the horrific events that happened ten years ago, as her new peaceful life as a cleaner is shattered when local gangsters turn up at her employer's lake house to collect a debt for their boss.