In Komatsushima, a port town in Tokushima, Shikoku, Haruka Asakura lives with her effeminate father Goro Asakura, her uncle Kentaro Asakura who is in love with a prostitute, and her cousin Manabu Kurokawa who is an aspiring singer-songwriter. Never a dull moment at the dining table, each have their own problems, yet live happy lives. All of a sudden, a tragedy falls upon Haruka, sending the family into turmoil.
The first part of the two-part "Itsu The Movie", a movie adaptation of the youth love comedy comic by Kazuto Okada, a popular manga artist known for "Sundome," starring Misaki Soejima, a popular gravure idol. Sagami, a junior high school student who is about to take the high school exam, encounters a beautiful girl when she visits the school of her choice and is fascinated. Sagami, who miraculously flickers in her skirt with a mobile camera, works hard to study and pass the exam, dreaming of going to the same high school as her, despite feeling guilty. However, Sagami, who accidentally entered the women's changing room as soon as she entered the school, tried to leave the place before anyone could see it, but she was witnessed by her longing for the scene.
1972. Kenji Ebisawa, a martial arts boy who wished to become stronger, could not enter the runaway tribe. However, following a certain incident, Kenji transforms and becomes part of the runaway tribe. A lot of friends gather around him and the tribe starts to get stronger, his name starts to be heard in the city.
Los habitantes de una pequeña isla se han visto acosados por unas extrañas aves denominadas Gyaos. Cuando el ejército se propone capturar a los siniestras aves, una tortuga gigante de origen desconocido aparece para destruirlas antes de que provoquen la destrucción en la Tierra.
The production of Gamera: Guardian of the Universe. Includes interviews with director Shusuke Kaneko, screenwriter Kazunori Ito and lead actress Ayako Fujitani. Also includes behind the scenes footage from special effects director Shinji Higuchi and interviews with suit actors Jun Suzuki and Yumi Kameyama.