Bleeding Fingers Music


Past and present - Our Waters are in the Hands of Man
Throughout history, Hungary's hydrography has changed almost beyond recognition. Water reservoirs and fishponds took the place of swamps, whereas the lick Puszta itself lies where the biggest floodplain once was. Today, 75% of Hungary's lakes are artificial, and the 90% of the floodplains are no more. But the wildlife had to adapt to this rapidly changing world, or else they would have faced extinction. Surprisingly, these artificial waters provide the last refuge for some rare water-based biomes. The late floodplains give temporal shelter for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds during winter. But this world is now controlled by man, not by nature...
Los Simpson: Bienvenidos al club
Lisa pretende convertirse en una princesa y se dará cuenta de que será más divertido cuando para hacerlo tenga que actuar con maldad.
Los Simpson: Cuando Billie encontró a Lisa
Billie Eilish invita a Lisa Simpson a su estudio para una sesión de jam especial que nunca olvidará.
Los Simpson en Plusniversario
Los Simpson organizan una fiesta de Disney + Day y todos están en la lista ... excepto Homer. Con amigos de todo el servicio y música digna de una princesa de Disney, Plusaversary es el evento del año de Springfield.
Vidas en pedazos
Un criminal que se ha dado a la fuga se esconde en una granja de Dakota del Norte de sus perseguidores. Allí, conoce a Wesley, un niño sordo que vive en una casa al lado de la granja. De forma inesperada, los dos se hacen amigos. Sin embargo, conforme ambos comienzan a confiar en el otro, el criminal debe decidir qué lado escoger: si huir y luchar por su libertad, o seguir las enseñanzas que está aprendiendo y dejarse capturar.
The Flood
Surrounded by the unforgiving Kalahari Desert, the Okavango Delta is a lush, vibrant oasis that pulses with life each year as the great flood rejuvenates the land with the return of water. Witness how incredible animals – like leopards, elephants, lions, hippos and more – adapt to this unpredictable and changing landscape. When the lands are flooded, the Okavango Delta is both a sanctuary and a trap, giving and taking life in equal measure. Then, like a living, breathing ecosystem, the waters soon recede and life becomes about one thing – survival. The fate of the tens of thousands of animals that live in this place of spectacular natural drama is at stake.