Coy Sevier


The Lost Princess
The warrior is Esmeralda, a princess who has brains, can fight and is pretty, too. The sexy one is Don Juan, a pretty boy laughing at danger. These two Spanish champions, along with Don Juan's sidekick Miguel, dance and joke their way through a swashbuckling, Renaissance adventure, saving the queen's English cousin from the nasty, Teutonic Krankenmal.
El vampiro adolescente
Police Officer #2
Jeremy Capello es un estudiante cuya única preocupación es conseguir novia. Tras ser seducido por una atractiva compañera y ser mordido por ella, se transforma en vampiro. Lejos de preocuparse, decide sacarle partido a sus recién adquiridos poderes.
La Lámpara
Guard Jeff
Un grupo de adolescentes pasan furtivamente la noche dentro de un lúgubre museo de historia natural. Una de las chicas es la hija del director Al Wallace. Esa misma mañana han recibido en el museo una lámpara procedente de Irak a la que le suponen 3000 años de antigüedad y que será la culpable de que la juvenil escapada acabe en un sangriento y trágico suceso.
For Marisol Rivera, a first generation Mexican-American, college is everything she's worked toward. She spent mornings cleaning horse stalls and evenings studying. Now, with a scholarship in hand, she's ready to leave Southwest Texas and begin her new life. However, when Marisol is falsely accused of a crime, she learns a heartbreaking truth: she's undocumented. Forced to go on the run, Marisol discovers a kind America amidst a harsh bureaucratic system. A coming of age film through the lens of immigration, Marisol critically examines systemic oppression and the causality of racism.