As they finish yet another long shift in the kitchen, six workers discuss their aspirations and failed dreams, while the boss upstairs counts his takings.
This glasnost-era documentary, which incorporates footage from films from the 1920s through the 1980s, looks at the history of women in Russian cinema through the eyes of Russian women directors, actors, and scriptwriters. The film’s title refers to a WWII slogan about women doing the work of absent men in the fields and at home. Featuring Kira Muratova, Natalia Ryazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordyukova, and others.
Assistant Editor
Durante el tradicional partido de criquet que juegan todos los años los enfermos mentales de un sanatorio contra los habitantes de Lampton, Charles Crossley le cuenta a Robert que tiene un poder sobrenatural, aprendido durante los 18 años que pasó con los aborígenes australianos: el poder de matar con un grito...