Jean Meyer

Jean Meyer

Nacimiento : 1914-06-12, Paris, France

Muerte : 2003-01-08


Jean Meyer


Le dindon
Le Médecin malgré lui
Stage Director
Le Médecin malgré lui
Detective Story
Detective Story
Le lieutenant Mulligan
Le Dindon
El hombre del cadillac
Accomplice of Saroyan
Antoine Marechal sufre un accidente con su coche justo cuando se iba a pasar las vacaciones a Italia, el culpable, el empresario Leopold Saroyan le promete reemplazarle el coche para que no pierda sus vacaciones, y así aprovechar al pobre Antoine para que haga de "mula" conduciendo un cadillac hasta Italia para pasar por la frontera un cargamento de heroína, oro y diamantes, sin que éste lo sepa...
Marriage of Figaro
Would-Be Gentleman
Covielle, Cléonte's valet
Would-Be Gentleman
Les Violents
Eugène Gallois
Pierre Tercelin who used to be a prosperous industrialist is now ruined and embittered, having become a mere lock keeper. A widower, he lives with his daughter Evelyne, a music-hall dancer. Claiming he is being persecuted by his cousin Edgar he gets in touch again with another cousin of his he hates, Bernard, a millionaire gun runner,who is also a victim of Edgar. It must be said that both Pierre and Bernard once caused Edgar to go bankrupt... Pierre offers Bernard to join efforts against Edgar. Soon after, Bernard dies of poison, which is only the first of a series of acts of violence. Tiercelin is shot at while going back home, Bernard's son is gunned down while his sister Luciane disappears. Chief-inspector Malouvier - who oddly enough looks very much like the suspect- investigates....
Trial at the Vatican
L'abbé Deltroëtte
In 19th-century France, a little girl follows her two sisters into a Carmelite monastery with the goal of becoming a saint.
El placer
Monsieur Dupuis
Adaptación de tres cuentos del escritor francés Guy de Maupassant que versan sobre el placer: (1) Un hombre extraño, que asiste a un popular baile de máscaras en París, baila hasta caer extenuado. El médico que lo atiende descubre sorprendido que tras la máscara se oculta un anciano. Cuando lo acompaña a su casa, la esposa le cuenta al médico la triste historia del bailarín. (2) A Madame Tellier, que regenta un prostíbulo, la invita su hermano Joseph a la primera comunión de su hija. La Madame cierra el negocio y se traslada con sus pupilas a la lejana granja de Joseph para asistir a la ceremonia. Terminada la fiesta, regresan al prostíbulo en medio del regocijo de los hombres, que ya las echaban de menos. (3) Un famoso artista se enamora de su bella modelo Josephine. Sólo pinta retratos de ella y alcanza el éxito, pero su historia de amor tiene un final inesperado.
Clara de Montargis
Renaud, a young student who is camping alone at the moment, has a dream one night, in which the woman of his dreams appears. When he wakes up the next morning, he cannot believe his eyes: the creature of the dream is there by the side of the road, in the flesh! The woman accepts to drive Renaud to Montargis but it is only after she has dropped him off there that he realizes that what he experienced for her was love at first sight. He then decides not to return to Paris but to try and find the wonderful stranger in Montargis. He discovers that the woman's name is Clara and that she is the member of a drama company.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Captain Blomet
Returning from the cemetery where he has just buried his wife, Captain Blomet is on the point of committing suicide, when his valet reveals to him that the deceased had 17 lovers. Blomet undertakes to wash his honor in different ways according to his rivals.
The Uncatchable Mr. Frederic
The novelist Suzanne Delmont creates a character, "The Uncatcable Frédéric", a sort of Arsène Lupin. A mysterious stranger launches a press campaign accusing him of having a harmful influence on young people...
La route du bagne
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
I Am with You
A young woman has doubts about her husband's fidelity. She pretends a trip, but settles in a hotel where her husband must pass. He meets her and, disturbed by the one he believes to be his wife's double, becomes her lover. Little by little the truth breaks through. The husband takes leave of the mistress and returns to the wife whose return has been announced.
Adieu Léonard
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Coup de feu dans la nuit
A woman is accused of the murder of her husband, who was jealous and brutal. Her lawyer manages to get her acquitted and they get married in the end.
Eight Men in a Castle
The Paladines write crime novels together. In a cinema, they happen to see a report on the consequences of a shipwreck in which Lieutenant Dupuis tells about the death of an old man in the lifeboat carrying the survivors. Husband and wife agree that this could be the starting point of a new story and go and see Dupuis to get more details about the drama. When they come to his hotel Dupuis is dead with a bullet in his head. Police characterizes the death as suicide but Paladine has found a train ticket in the dead man's pocket. With his wife he takes the train to the specified destination, somewhere in the provinces...
Eight Men in a Castle
Le neveu du notaire
The Paladines write crime novels together. In a cinema, they happen to see a report on the consequences of a shipwreck in which Lieutenant Dupuis tells about the death of an old man in the lifeboat carrying the survivors. Husband and wife agree that this could be the starting point of a new story and go and see Dupuis to get more details about the drama. When they come to his hotel Dupuis is dead with a bullet in his head. Police characterizes the death as suicide but Paladine has found a train ticket in the dead man's pocket. With his wife he takes the train to the specified destination, somewhere in the provinces...
Ne bougez plus!
Are these two tramps who come to pose for an advertising agency at Patrice Farfadou, the fashionable photographer, the Prince Andromache of Miremir and his faithful secretary Palmer? Who will find the key to the Enigma: The melancholic Hector, the youthful Geneviève, or the feverish Elyane?