Coordinating Producer
A documentary on the inhabitants of South Williamsburg, New York, whose lives are explored through the testimony of five inhabitants of the Brooklyn neighborhood. In the late 70s and early 80s, Los Sures was one of the poorest neighborhoods in New York City. In fact, it had been called the worst ghetto in America. Diego Echeverria's film skillfully represents the challenges of its time: drugs, gang violence, crime, abandoned real estate, racial tension, single-parent homes, and inadequate local resources. The complex portrait also celebrates the vitality of this largely Puerto Rican and Dominican community, showing the strength of their culture, their creativity, and their determination to overcome a desperate situation.
Coordinating Producer
A significant number of American children and teenagers - from all social backgrounds - suffer from mental disorders, schizophrenia, autism and emotional problems, leading them to isolation from society while treating their issues in mental health facilities. But there's no end in sight for those young individuals when they face obstacles and mistreatment in inadequate places under the supervision of careless and inexperienced professionals. The documentary follows some of those public mental institutions and another private center dealing with troubled kids and reveals what's wrong with their procedures, and the irreparable harm they cause in those patients.
Production Coordinator
La selva amazónica, 1979. El equipo de filmación de «Fitzcarraldo» (1982), película dirigida por el director alemán Werner Herzog, pronto se topa con problemas relacionados con el casting, las luchas tribales y varios accidentes, entre muchos otros contratiempos; pero nada comparado con el arrastre de un enorme barco de vapor por una montaña, al tiempo que Herzog abraza el camino de una cierta locura con tal de hacer realidad su visión.
Coordinating Producer
Documental producido y dirigido por Errol Morris que retrata varios residentes excéntricos de la ciudad de Vernon, en Florida. Originalmente titulada "Nub City", esta continuación de "Gates of Heaven" estaba inicialmente centrada en residentes de la ciudad sureña que se automutilaban para conseguir cobrar sumas del seguro de vida. Después de que la vida del propio Morris se viera amenazada por tratar este delicado tema, el director se vió obligado a re-elaborar "Nub City" y convertirla en esta "Vernon, Florida".
A documentary on Hollis Frampton made in 1981.