Ulrich Beiger
Nacimiento : 1918-08-26, München-Germany
Muerte : 1996-09-18
Direktor Noll
Ricky, Walter y Edmund, tres soñadores sin mucha suerte, son despedidos del trabajo cuando conocen a Rosi y los tres se enamoran de ella de inmediato. Después de una fiesta íntima con sólo los cuatro, Rosi descubre que está embarazada y que cualquiera de ellos podría ser el padre. Así que deciden que, hasta confirmar quién es el padre, los tres intentarán ayudar a Rosi a obtener el dinero necesario para cuidar del bebé.
Vetter Alfred
German sex comedy - part 6 in the serie
Otto Wasner
Präsident Fohnsheim
Pitscho assists El Guancho, who lives in Lanzarote, when he is dealing with the mafia.
Herbert Gotzinger
Georg Glasl
Mr. Carver
Ottokar Kuppler
Duodécima entrega de "Schulmädchen-Report". Relatos íntimos de las colegialas donde cuentan cómo afrontan y resuelven los peligros y las situaciones que a diario se enfrentan.
Zweiter Polizist
General Miller
Kommissar Ramirez
Kriminalkommissar Jenkel (uncredited)
Undécima entrega de "Schulmädchen-Report". En el estudio de una emisora de radio, las colegialas debaten sobre una ley de control de la juventud y cuentan sus experiencias y aventuras.
Mann auf Kostümfest
A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree.
Hubert, Lilos Vater
Novena entrega de "Schulmädchen-Report". Las colegialas viven felices y despreocupadas, pero rodeadas de un mundo vicioso que las acecha.
Mr. Bland
Marchese de la Pozzi
Dudu, the craziest car in the world, takes part in the goofiest race in the world!
Graf Seckendorf
En un pueblo rural, un científico descubre una manera de convertir el estiércol de vaca en energía. Dos agentes secretos son enviados para robarle la fórmula, pero dedican más tiempo a divertirse sexualmente que a cumplir su misión.
Guys from the small village decide to go to the famous Oktoberfest in Munich. Besides beer, they're also interested in girls. Their wives back home find out about that plan and decide to go to Munich themselves to fuc* up this plan. Poor guys...
Dr. Stingl
Two young men want to get into an all-girls photo studio to see the scads of beautiful young nude women inside, so they decide to pose as women themselves.
Don Rosaria, the Godfather
Dos peligrosas bandas de gángsters, rivales entre ellas, planean dar el mismo golpe, encaminado a conseguir un importante botín.
This film adaptation of Erich Kästner's book is about a millionaire who wants to travel to a hotel under a false name and test how "normal people" are treated. The hotel staff receive a warning, but mistake another man for the fake millionaire and treat him like God in France, while he doesn't feel the slightest bit of even luxurious treatment
Conte Traverso
Vittorio (Rinaldo Talamonti) se hace pasar por homosexual para poder acercarse a la hija de un millonario, de vacaciones en Alemania. Desafortunadamente su chofer es gay, con lo cual se le crea un problema.
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb
Franz Stelzer
Herr Plonkmann - Stadtdirektor
Alwin Achsmann
Die Klosterschulerinnen (released in the U.S. as "Sex Life In A Convent"), the 1972 Eberhard Schroder German nunsploitation religious nun Catholic sexploitation thriller ("Little Girls with BIG Ideas") starring Doris Arden, Sascha Hehn, Josef Moosholzer, Ulrich Beiger, and Elisabeth Volkmann
Ernst Röhm
The dangerous violent criminal Willy Jensen flees from a prison in Hamburg and seeks shelter at his brother Heinz' apartment. Heinz, an honest taxi-driver, believes in his innocence and helps him - until Willy kills another man in a robbery. After an argument Willy takes his wife Vera, who now lives with Heinz, as hostage on his further flight from the police. Heinz feels responsible for his brother and trails him, which makes it look to the police as if he's helping his brother.
Italienischer Wirt
Karin's Vater
La película presenta siete destinos de muchachas, destinos que se ofrecen tal y como se desarrollaron, casos típicos de muchachas de la generación pop, de su disposición física y mental y de sus problemas íntimos.
Richard Mertens
German music comedy.
Mitglied der Tischrunde
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While they exchange nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small-town high school. At the school, he quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, Bömmel, and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster's daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school.
Paul Kruse
A comedy directed by Ernst Schmucker and Olf Fischer.
Graf Lothar
Fritz Holzwarth, Notar
Prof. Hasemann
Fritz Holzwarth
Dr. Eisenreich
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…
Bernad Davenport
Generalmajor Walter von Reichenau
Rittmeister von Schmettow
Dritter Neffe
After the murder of her lover Caesar, Egypt's queen Cleopatra needs a new ally. She seduces his probable successor Mark Antony. This develops into real love and slowly leads to a war with the other possible successor: Octavius.
En 1943 los nazis, exasperados por el número de fugas de sus prisiones por un número relativamente pequeño de prisioneros aliados, deciden trasladarlos a todos a una prisión de alta seguridad "a prueba de fugas" durante el resto de la guerra. Los presos no tardan en trazar el plan de uno de los intentos de fuga más ambiciosos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Basado en una historia real.
Paul Francis
Max, a small time pick-pocket, has nothing to do with the ‘big’ crimes. But then he must find the murderer of Fred, his wife's brother.
Inspector Rooper
Un hábil falsificador de libras esterlinas tiene en jaque a la policía inglesa. Ajeno a ello, Peter Clifton, un joven millonario, se casa con Jane, sobrina de un célebre pintor, y la pareja inicia su vida común en la mansión de Longford Manor, cerca de Londres. Ambos parecen haber olvidado el desagradable incidente del día de la boda, cuando Basil Hale, un antiguo pretendiente de Jane, interrumpió la ceremonia. Pero extraños sucesos ocurren en la mansión: una noche Jane descubre a su marido junto a una prensa de imprimir, y cuando se hace de día Peter, amnésico, se despierta sin recordar nada de la noche, y en su habitación encuentra un martillo y una camisa con manchas de sangre. El misterio sigue en aumento.
Sir Henry
Herr Schmidt
A long time lost comedy directed by Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla. It was discoverd in the estate of the director in Vienna in 2014.
Gus Bromberg
Henry Shelton
Un ladrón de bancos, Clay Shelton, es sentenciado a muerte por el asesinato de uno de los policías que le detuvo. Instantes antes de ser ahorcado, profetiza que todos los que tuvieren alguna relación con su muerte serán a su vez ejecutados por él quien llama “El brazo de la Horca”. Nadie se toma en serio sus palabras, pero poco tiempo después se producen varios accidentes mortales, y perecen el fiscal que lo acusó, el juez que le condenó y el verdugo que le ejecutó. Algunos testigos señalan la presencia de un desconocido con la mano alzada en forma de garra, exactamente como Shelton había predicho. Otros afirman haber reconocido al mismo Shelton. ¿Se trata de su fantasma o de un doble? Mientras el pánico se extiende entre el resto de los supervivientes, el inspector Long está seguro de que las muertes tienen un origen racional y no sobrenatural, y para asegurarse abre la tumba de Shelton...
After 50 years of service, the district usher Johann Peter Neusigl is supposed to get awarded a Royal-Bavarian medal of merit. Since government director Steinbeißl has announced that he wants to witness the awarding ceremony in person, district magistrate Kranzeder decided to splash out. He organises, with his wife Amalie, a banquet in their parlour, although both of them rather begrudge Neusigl the award. But after all, it is necessary to cut a good figure for the dignitaries. As the government director arrives, after a few incidents during his journey, belated, the event, however, has already degenerated into a boozy carousal which culminates in a scuffle.
Leslie Osborne
En la prisión de Toulouse está a punto de ejecutarse una sentencia de muerte, pero la torpeza del verdugo, al dejar un clavo en la guillotina, salva la vida del reo. Once años más tarde, una ola de chantajes asola la ciudad de Londres: ciudadanos de buena posición económica reciben una carta de extorsión en la que aparece impreso un círculo rojo. Todos los que no ceden al chantaje o avisan a la policía son fríamente asesinados, y siempre, junto a cada víctima, se encuentra un trozo de papel con un círculo rojo impreso. El inspector Parr, de Scotland Yard, y un célebre detective privado, Derrick Yale, unen sus esfuerzos en la investigación policial. Los crímenes siguen, pero poco a poco, las sospechas se van concentrando en un número reducido de personajes.
Una banda de delincuentes tiene atemorizada la ciudad de Londres con sus delitos: tras cada fechoría dejan como señal la marca de una rana, y su misterioso jefe oculta la identidad bajo un grotesco disfraz, en el que destacan unos ojos terroríficos. El inspector Elk, encargado del caso, se enfrenta a un problema insoluble: no hay pistas útiles, y los testigos potenciales guardan silencio por miedo a morir. Richard Gordon, sobrino del jefe de Scotland Yard, inicia su propia investigación, y sus pesquisas le llevan a un club nocturno, el “Lolita”. Varios personajes sospechosos se cruzan en su camino...
Dr. Säuerlich
Heini von Seeburg
Mario Marinadi
Dr. Maksoud
A young Egyptian doctor leaves his uneducated, dance girl lady friend behind while he focuses on fighting poverty and superstition. Years later, rich and famous, on a trip to Paris he discovers her again, in a night club.
Horace Bouchet
Diener Martin
Der Pfarrer
Two female agents from a rival gang are sent to disrupt the operations of a gold-smuggler's caravan in Africa.
Told in flashback, the film recounts the events leading up to the killing of good-for-nothing Curt Jurgens. Warned by her friends and relatives that Jurgens is a bad job, impulsive Ina Kahr marries him anyway. His ceaseless philandering and abuse wears away at Ina to the point that she contemplates poisoning her husband...
Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened.
In a small town a bag with delicate letters disappears. Many of the residents are worried about their written messages. A clever sculptor uses the opportunity to play a prank.
Head waiter Leopold has been secretly in love with the hostess Josepha for a long time, but she only has eyes for Dr. Siedler, a guest in the White Horse Inn. Leopold tries to get Dr. Siedler interested in the daughter of Industrialist Giesecke, who would rather see his daughter married to Sigismund.
Dr. Hartwig has settled in a small town as a doctor. One day the magical Ursel Daxenmeyer appears in his practice. Dr. Hartwig falls in love with her and wants to marry her. Beforehand, however, various obstacles have to be cleared out of the way. A very special obstacle is Ursula's father, Eusebius Daxenmeyer. He deals with mixed goods and is also a hypochondriac, that is, an ill patient. No one can tell him his imagination that he is deadly ill.
Dr. Felix Fichtner
junger Inder
Armande, the wife of surgeon Colbert, has numerous love affairs and pursues Jacques, whom Armande’s girlfriend Liliane has in her sights.
It’s 1910 and we’re in the duchy of Lauffenburg. Everybody is celebrating the 600th birthday of the local hero, Otto the Ironman, who in his time saved the duchy from annexation and beat the enemy so badly, that he fled ... well, that’s what it says in the history books, at least. Local gossip asserts, however, that Otto wasn’t even part of the battle and was spending his time having fun with a pretty girl. When one day a piece is introduced at the court theatre, which tells the heroic story of Otto, the director rejects the mediocre story.