Siegen Bretzke


Space Case
Boom Operator
Space Case follows Bobbie Almond, a social outcast who has dreams to escape her small town life. She has a ticket to Mars! But when Bobbie's ticket to a new life gets stolen by her super Preppy sister, she's forced down a road of conformity, to be a part of the town's Beauty pageant! Will she conform? Or will she bail and follow her dreams!
Miss Juneteenth
Boom Operator
Turquoise, una antigua reina de la belleza en el instituto, se ha convertido ahora en una trabajadora y madre soltera que trata de preparar a su hija para el certamen de "Miss Juneteenth", con la esperanza puesta en que sea capaz de evitar los errores que ella cometió durante su adolescencia.
Getting It
DJ Siegelberry
Jamie, a talented cabaret singer, is recovering from a breakup with his romantic and artistic partner. Ben is a young poet struggling with the death of his mother. When the two connect at a neighborhood party, the hardened souls begin to heal, but can people ever really change?
Thunder Road
Sound Editor
Un agente de policía lidia con la muerte de su madre al dar un emocionante discurso en su funeral.