Colin Lorimer


Monkey Beach
Storyboard Artist
Five hundred miles north of Vancouver is Kitamaat, an Indian reservation in the homeland of the Haisla people. Growing up a tough, wild tomboy, swimming, fighting, and fishing in a remote village where the land slips into the green ocean on the edge of the world, Lisamarie has always been different. Visited by ghosts and shapeshifters, tormented by premonitions, she can't escape the sense that something terrible is waiting for her. She recounts her enchanted yet scarred life as she journeys in her speedboat up the frigid waters of the Douglas Channel. She is searching for her brother, dead by drowning, and in her own way running as fast as she can toward danger. Circling her brother's tragic death are the remarkable characters that make up her family: Lisamarie's parents, struggling to join their Haisla heritage with Western ways; Uncle Mick, a Native rights activist and devoted Elvis fan; and the headstrong Ma-ma-oo (Haisla for "grandmother"), a guardian of tradition.
La luz de mi vida
Storyboard Artist
Un padre y su hija están atrapados en el bosque después de que una pandemia mortal alterara radicalmente el mundo.
Storyboard Artist
Alpha es una aventura épica ambientada en la última Edad de Hielo. Europa, 20.000 años atrás. En mitad de su primera cacería con el grupo de élite de su tribu, un joven es herido y dado por muerto. Al despertar se encontrará débil y solo, y deberá aprender a sobrevivir y abrirse camino ante la dura y cruel naturaleza. Acompañado a regañadientes de un lobo abandonado por su manada, los dos aprenderán a confiar el uno en el otro, convertirse en aliados y superar los innumerables peligros para, contra toda posibilidad, encontrar el camino a casa antes de que llegue el letal invierno.