On February 1, 2019, after three weeks of trial before the french criminal trial court, two police officers of the French Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI), Antoine Q and Nicolas R, were sentenced to seven years in prison for the rape of Émily S in the premises of the police station 36 Quai des Orfèvres. Neither her dress nor her blood alcohol level, or even her supposedly «sexual» attitude mentioned by the defense managed to minimize the seriousness of the facts: she did not consent to sexual intercourse. This conviction comes in a particular context of collective awareness on sexual violence. It is symptomatic of a change of mentalities. A symbolic, but equally universal story in the post #MeToo era.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Chronicles the events in Iraq from 1990 through 2001.
Director of Photography
Los primeros antepasados del hombre partieron para conquistar el mundo, explorar lo desconocido, adaptarse a cada entorno. Y un día, para conquistar el fuego, un descubrimiento que los hizo invencibles. Construyeron refugios. Transformaron su entorno. Pero aún así, esto no calmó su sed de más. Intentaron comprender los misterios de la naturaleza. Inventaron historias para explicar lo inexplicable. Ahora son hombres. Aquí, por primera vez en la historia de la televisión, está la saga de nuestros orígenes, contada a través de la historia de una sola familia: un viaje épico en el que los últimos descubrimientos científicos arrojan una nueva luz emocionante.
Director of Photography
Face to the firing squad a dictator is awaiting death. As the soldiers shoulder their rifles, the man remembers. He recalls with wicked jubilation his devouring ambition, his complete absence of scruples, his brutal lack of humanity, his taste for manipulation, the cowardice of his entourage, his ambiguous relationships with a woman named Dêmokratia.