Julia Alves


virar mar / meer werden / becoming sea
Water as a physical and metaphysical metaphor and background of human existence. A docu-fictional essay between the Brazilian Sertão-deserts and the Northern-German flood areas of Dithmarschen. Dramas and day-by-day-observations in times of climate change.
Executive Producer
In the depths of forgotten memories, a tormented spirit waits patiently.
Savage Fire
In the city of Cajamar, in the middle of ruined nature, lonely characters deal with the police, rodeos and mysterious fires.
Once There Was Brasília
In 1959, disgraced intergalactic agent WA4 receives a mission: to come to the Earth and kill the president Juscelino Kubitschek on the day of Brasília's inauguration. But his ship is lost in time and lands in 2016 in Ceilândia — a Black suburb of Brasilia — on the verge of Dilma Rousseff's impeachment.
An audiovisual experiment showing female power in its various possibilities. It evolves through three narrative moments: the prologue, the central narrative, and the epilogue. The first materializes and at the same time rebels against the cultural construction of the "cult of the Phallus". In the second moment, we can see the formation of a network of protection and mutual help among women, exalting their bodies and their powers. And the last moment is practically a making off, with real scenes of all the women in the cast recording the video.
Hotel Cambridge
Line Producer
Una película que nos muestra la atípica situación del movimiento brasileño de los sin techo y los refugiados que ocupan un edificio abandonado en el centro de Sao Paulo. La tensión diaria provocada por la amenaza de desahucio revela los dramas, las alegrías y los diferentes puntos de vista de los ocupas.
My Only Earth Is in the Moon
Executive Producer
Sergio answers 36 questions to make Gabriel fall in love. Did you know Glauber was a Pisces?
The Daytime Doorman
Después de intercambiar miradas entre "buenas mañanas" y "buenas tardes", Marcelo se da cuenta de que es hora de tratar de ir más lejos con Márcio, el portero en su edificio. Dos mundos colisionarán a través de los cuerpos de estos hombres.