Tristan Weis


Latte y la piedra de agua mágica
Existe un cristal mágico, que tiene el poder de devolver el agua al bosque. Pero ha sido robado por Bantour, el rey de los osos. Solo un héroe valiente puede traerlo de vuelta y evitar la sequía. Amy, la pequeña erizo, y su amigo Tom, la ardilla, deciden emprender una aventura para salvar la naturaleza.
A Reindeer Carol
Did you know fireflies like Christmas songs? But be careful, they're very shy! This is what our friends discover when the clumsy reindeer tries to join the choir. The right rhythm has to be found to really make the fireflies dance.
Frozen Fun
A snowball fight is fun for everyone! Because it's sooo cold outside, the penguin has to think of something special to get his friends to join in the game.