Paolo Cottignola


El niño y el tigre
Solo en el mundo, después del terremoto que asoló Nepal, el pequeño Balmani escapa del orfanato y se adentra en el denso bosque, tratando de encontrar el camino de regreso a Katmandú. Su destino se cruza con el de un cachorro de tigre de Bengala, capturado por una banda de cazadores furtivos. El niño logra liberar al tigre de la jaula en la que lo han encerrado y lo lleva consigo, convencido de que, si logran llegar a Taktsang -antiguo monasterio en la cima de las montañas conocido como "La guarida del Tigre" (según la leyenda, el gurú Rimpoché, volando desde el Tíbet a lomos de un tigre, aterrizó en una cueva debajo del monasterio)- ambos estarán a salvo.
Gli Atomici Fotonici
Editorial Consultant
Giacomo drags his son to a club for the selection of a musical talent. Will he be able to move his son out of his own insecurities?
Supervising Editor
After a big fight, a couple wakes up with an unbelievable problem: he can't speak and she can't hear anything. Doctors and exams are useless. A female Zen Master and a very special plant come to their aid.
The Big Step
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Hidden Away
La película aborda el viaje de la vida de Toni Ligabue, pintor visionario e ingenuo que solía dibujar tigres, leones y jaguares mientras vivía entre los álamos del ilimitado valle del Po. Una vida dura que también es un cuento de hadas, ya que un niño solitario y marginado encuentra la redención en su arte y una forma de expresarse y ser admirado por el mundo.
Thunderbolts and Lightning Strikes
Supervising Editor
The Lightning Woman can move at supersonic speed and teleport, watching over the city and its inhabitants. But, to face everyday life, sometimes superpowers are not enough.
Libellula gentile. Fabio Pusterla, il lavoro del poeta
A film about the Swiss Italian poet Fabio Pusterla and his creative poetic process, his struggle to find an honest language, one which adheres to the personal experience and is able to unfold a hidden truth that creates a strong and profound bond with the other, with his public.
Vedete, sono uno di voi
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
Vedete, sono uno di voi
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
Il pianeta che ci ospita
Venice 70: Future Reloaded
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of the future of cinema.
Medici con l'Africa
Documentary about Medici con l'Africa CUAMM, one of Italy's foremost humanitarian NGOs to operate in Africa.
Sei Venezia
What is the "feeling" of a city? Is it the roads, the light that illuminates them, the people that live there and their stories? It's all these things, but also something else, something requiring time and attention to be understood. The film goes in search of this feeling exploring the city of Venice and its lagoon, prying into its less-known corners and listening to the stories of six citizens: a hotel waitress, an old archaeologist, a pensioner from Mestre, a painter/fisherman, an apartment burglar and a young boy.
Goodbye Mr. Zeus!
La pasión
A un fracasado director de cine se le ofrece la oportunidad de montar la pasión de Cristo en un pueblo, con divertidas consecuencias.
Wine Cliffs
Supervising Editor
Ermanno Olmi has returned to documentary filmmaking and makes a journey through valleys, living rocks and the culture of the Valtellina hillsides.
Mother Earth
La justa distancia
En el idílico escenario de un pueblecito a orillas del Po, surge el amor entre Hassan y Mara. Él es un mecánico tunecino que, tras años de duro trabajo, se ha ganado el respeto de sus vecinos. Ella es una joven a punto de partir a Brasil con una ONG. Giovanni, un chico que aspira a ser periodista, es testigo de esta historia de amor. La vida de los tres dará un giro tras una serie de inesperados y dolorosos sucesos.
Cien clavos
Un joven y experimentado profesor de filosofía abandona su mundo de libros para ir a vivir a orillas del río Po, donde entra en contacto con la población local amenazada por la construcción de un puerto fluvial. (FILMAFFINITY)
Atto unico di Jannis Kounellis
An Italian Romance
Giovanni, a married man with a child, meets on a train Maria, a former lover.
Singing Behind Screens
A young man enters a brothel and sees a staged narration of a Chinese folk tale concerning a female pirate.
A cavallo della tigre
Security guard Guido attempts a robbery to solve his financial problems, but he's double-crossed by Antonella, the younger showgirl he left his wife for, who runs off with the money while he gets arrested. In prison, Guido is forcefully involved in the escape plans of two lifers, an old Moroccan and a Turkish gangster. Once out, he plans to find Antonella, who has since become a TV reporter, but things get complicated...
Ritratti: Luigi Meneghello
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Luigi Meneghello (1922-2007) about growing up under fascism, his involvement with the Italian resistance movement, his later self-exile, acclaimed literary work and its relationship with dialect.
El Oficio de las Armas
En los albores del siglo XVI, el joven Giovanni de Médici era capitán del ejército papal en la campaña contra los lansquenetes del emperador Carlos V de Alemania. En vida, ya era un mito, pues se lo disputaban los príncipes por su gran experiencia en el oficio de la guerra. Amaba la vida. La diosa Fortuna y las mujeres le sonreían. Ni un pensamiento sobre la muerte cruzaba su mente. Su ruina fue la aparición de las armas de fuego: una bala de cañón le alcanzó una pierna, la gangrena se extendió y hubo que amputarla. Aún así, la necrosis fue inevitable y el feroz guerrero falleció el 29 de noviembre de 1526.
Holy Tongue
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.
Ritratti: Andrea Zanzotto
Marco Paolini discusses with poet Andrea Zanzotto (1921-2011) about three themes: Nature, History, and Language.
Il Denaro non esiste
Ritratti: Mario Rigoni Stern
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Mario Rigoni Stern (1921-2008) about – among other things – his renowned experience as a soldier on the Eastern front during WWII, culminating in the infamous retreat of the Italian troops, the difficult reintegration into civilian life after the war, his relationship with his literary work and the one with his ancestral land, the Asiago Plateau.
The Last Moons
Having discovered that his son will send him to a nursing home, an old professor (Marcello Mastroianni) converses with the memory of his late wife. She encourages him to tell his son that he is sad and fearful, and does not want to move. Recording of Marcello Mastroianni’s last stage project.
L'estate di Davide
At 19, David has his diploma (the first in his family), a job at a car wash, and little else. His family is broke and argues constantly. So, unannounced, David leaves Turin for his uncle's farm in Polesine. Here he learns many life lessons over the course of a summer while hanging out with Bosnian drug dealer Alem and Patrizia, an older woman who's an addict.
Una oscuridad que todo lo envuelve. De repente, la voz de un niño, asustada, interrogante, atraviesa la oscuridad ... Los primeros rayos de luz parpadeantes comienzan a esculpir formas misteriosas de la oscuridad ... Entre ellos, un hombre muy viejo. Él tranquiliza al niño, exhortándolo a ver las maravillas de la tierra. Y es con los ojos de este niño que seremos testigos de la creación del mundo.
The Secret of the Old Woods
It tells the story of a general who is about to cut down an old forest for the sake of financial gain, but discovers that the forest is inhabited by invisible spirits
La leyenda del santo bebedor
Andreas es un vagabundo más de los muchos que viven bajo los puentes de París. Cuando recibe de un desconocido la suma de doscientos francos, con la única condición de devolverlos como ofrenda a la imagen de una santa, emprende un peregrinaje de carácter fundamentalmente espiritual para ser digno del favor recibido.
Lubo is a Yenish and his story takes place against the backdrop of the persecution of gypsies in Switzerland in the late 1930s.