Ge Wu


Todos los cuervos del mundo
Sir Liu
Cortometraje ganador de La Palma de Oro del Festival de Cannes 2021.Comedia negra basada en las propias experiencias de la directora, sigue a una estudiante de 18 años que es invitada a una fiesta misteriosa por su prima, iniciando una noche de aventuras que la llevan a introducirse en el mundo de los adultos.
Guardian of the Palace
'Guardian of the Palace' tells the story of a time when a plague spreads in Heishun (Blackwater) Town during the warring warlords, and Tianya, Wunian and Jiujiu set out on a treasure hunt to find the Golden Moon Gem that cures the plague. The warlord Feng Pei Chuan was trailing them and tried to take the gems for himself, but Tianya and the others managed to subdue Feng Pei Chuan, reclaim the gems and save the people.