Andrey Larin


Una misteriosa “conferencia” se prepara en un teatro. Natasha, superviviente del sonado sitio de rehenes del teatro Dubrovka de Moscú en 2002 (primera crisis del gobierno de Putin, solucionada de polémica manera) organiza un acto conmemorativo para las víctimas. Una tensa y fantasmal ceremonia catártica con la que Tverdovskiy ("Jumpman") confecciona desconcertantes estampas y levanta escamas en la historia reciente de Europa. ¿Hasta qué punto la memoria histórica es un acto de justicia, una acción terapéutica o una traba para labrarnos un futuro? Tanto olvidar como recrearse en el trauma son dos filos de una misma navaja. (SEFF)
A young accountant from a provincial settlement suffers from the tyranny of his mother and is looking for an answer to the reasons for his father's suicide. The desire to change the direction of his life pushes him to flee to Moscow, where by the will of fate he finds himself in the life of an underground casino.
White canvas
Nurse Tatyana lives in a quiet provincial town. Everything seems to be going well with her: there is a good job at the hospital and friends who are ready to support at any moment. And then a healthy young woman suddenly falls ill. Doctors make her a disappointing diagnosis - diabetes. Tanya needs to undergo expensive treatment in Moscow. It was in this difficult period for her that the heroine meets a man who is ready to help. He loves her and wants to make her happy. Tatiana begins to believe that the wedding is just around the corner, and her recovery is just a matter of time. But such a successful development of events does not suit Tatyana's best friend, and he begins to plot. Will he succeed in destroying the heroine’s just-settled life and again returning her to the abyss of hopelessness and disbelief in herself?
A veteran of the Chechen War is helped by the ghosts of his two fallen comrades to leave the war behind.