Florian Fitz

Florian Fitz

Nacimiento : 1967-11-16, Frankfurt am Main - Germany


Florian Fitz was born on November 16, 1967 in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany. He is an actor, known for Equilibrium (2002), Barfuss (2005) and Zwei Männer am Herd (1999).


Florian Fitz


Tango argentino
Henry Lane
La profesora de tango argentina Valentina Martino es dura. Su ex marido está en la cárcel por evasión de impuestos, por lo que ella debe vivir como ilegal en Cornualles. Allí vive con su sobrina Elena. Para ganar dinero, Valentina trabaja como ayuda doméstica. Sin embargo, esto no es fácil debido a que su empleador Jack Rukin que se gana la vida como escritor, la tacha de viuda fresca...
The Last Picture
En tu vida
Elisa acaba de descubrir que su marido, Hauke, la engaña. Por encima, la hija adolescente de ambos, Tina, se pone de parte de su adorado padre, así que Elisa acepta encantada la oferta de su amigo Alex para hacerse cargo de su restaurante en Estocolmo durante una temporada. Al mismo tiempo, Markus, un veterinario entusiasmado por la cocina y la jardinería, necesita alejarse un tiempo de la ciudad para superar la muerte de su esposa. Ambos intercambian sus casas y, mientras Elisa se acomoda en el apartamento de Markus en Estocolmo y él disfruta del ambiente del hogar de Elisa en la idílica ciudad de Eksjö, descubren a la persona que llena sus almas.
Adolescente de repente
La vida de Claire, una esposa de 40 años, atraviesa un mal momento: su marido Frank está cada vez más distante y ella piensa que él se ha enamorado de una compañera adolescente del grupo de teatro.
Lola Schön - Kommissarin Deluxe
Staatsanwalt Dr. Santorius
Falsas Intenciones
Victoria Stellmann, jefa de una línea de cruceros tradicionales, lleva una vida de familia feliz con su marido y sus hijos. Pero entonces ella conoce en una conferencia a Jacques . Inicia una aventura con él y por lo tanto una cadena catastrófica.Ella es una amante sensible y el un chantajista despiadado. Él amenaza con publicar un video de su noche de amor y así no sólo para destruir su reputación como una mujer de negocios, sino también a su familia.
Don 2
MC at Charity Event
Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.
El juego de la botella
Eric Hansen
Una antigua cafetería de Hamburgo, "Hansen", necesita urgentemente un estilo más moderno. Por ello , le piden un proyecto a la diseñadora de interiores Gretchen Fingerhut (Janin Reinhardt).Esta,una vez más, superó el límite de su cuenta al comprar zapatos y ropa. Junto con su amiga Sarah (Josephine Schmid) desarrolla un concepto. Pero el dúo de diseñadores tiene un competidor inteligente en el complicado Clemens (Roman Knika).
Leppel & Langsam
Enrico Walter
Eine Liebe in St. Petersburg
The young Berlin anesthesiologist Nora is facing exciting times: her partner Eric makes her a marriage proposal and she has the opportunity to give her first important speech at an international congress in St. Petersburg. Nora goes to Russia, where she gets a frosty reception. The Russian pediatrician Andrej, who has been assigned to her as a personal companion, is not very enthusiastic about this task. So he puts Nora in a taxi soon. But then Nora is attacked and Andrej plagues his guilty conscience. Soon, the people are coming closer to the fight.
Reencuentro en Rose Abbey
Adrian Shaw
Rosanne viaja a Cornualles para buscar alguna pista sobre su padre biológico. La avioneta en la que viaja sufre una avería en pleno vuelo y tienen que realizar un aterrizaje forzoso. Cuando recobra el conocimiento, está tendida en el suelo besando apasionadamente al piloto. Sin embargo, éste está comprometido con una poderosa empresaria que no está dispuesta a perderlo.
Ein Strauß voll Glück
Marc Düsberg
After the death of her husband, Anna tries to begin a new life with her children Paul and Laura on the North-Sea island Amrum. An ostrich-farm is the smart business-idea, which secures her family's future. As merchandising and to inspire her prospective customers for her products, she sends ostrich-eggs to the nearby restaurants on the mainland. But the first delivery turns into to a disaster. The shipping company that operates the ferry service to the mainland had left Anna's products in the sun too long, and all eggs spoiled before they got to their destination. Anna's optimism gets a serious blow and she is close to bankruptcy. Matthias, a lawyer and a good friend of Anna, supports her by all means in her fight against the shipping company owner and shyster, Reents. With great media interest and the aid of the sympathetic journalist, Marc stokes, Anna enters the fight against the nearly all-powerful adversary in order to force Reents to give up.
Secretos en el paraiso
Peter Morricone
La hija de un magnate estadounidense celebra su boda en un hotel en el Caribe. La directora del hotel descubre a una periodista investigando su pasado. Un asesinato oscurecerá aún más la situación.
Der indische Ring
Andreas Landsberg
Zwei Herzen und ein Edelweiß
Alexander Schubert
Ein Ferienhaus auf Ibiza
In order to finally reconcile their adult, hopelessly chaotic children Karla, Henriette and Max, the resolute Greta takes an unusual approach: she invites all three to a holiday together in Ibiza, where she puts the brawlers to the choice: Either they tolerate themselves, or they are disinherited by their father Herbert. After a few half-hearted attempts to make peace, it will not be long before old conflicts break out. Thus, in sunny Spain, a turbulent round of family jealousies, heartache and unexpected love happiness unfolds.
Schuld und Unschuld
Dirk Dewinter
Was heißt hier Oma!
Martin Kleefeld
Mr. Nanny - Ein Mann für Mama
Nicolai 'Nick' Siegert
Liebe auf vier Pfoten
Mark Berner
When her partner Erik has to cancel the holiday, lawyer Claudia Schmitt decides to travel alone to Lusatia. There she meets Mark Berner, who rents holiday cottages in the area. At first, the two are not sympathetic. But as Claudia run towards two little lynxes, they gradually come closer and fall in love. But then Claudia thinks he can find out a dark secret in Mark's past, which later turns out to be a misunderstanding. But it is already too late - Claudia is on her way back to Salzburg. But Mark decides to fight Claudia.
Wer entführt meine Frau?
Polly Adler - Eine Frau sieht rosa
Caspar Fürtauer
Zwei Weihnachtshunde
A year ago, Katrin and Max got to know and love each other with the support of the phlegmatic bass dog Kurt. Should they now match their friends and marry? At first it doesn't look promising: Katrin is fighting for a job in London and Max is constantly gone, he seems to meet other women. The help of a second Christmas dog is needed to steer fate in the right direction.
Ein Luftikus zum Verlieben
Robert Sander
Management consultant Max Tanner is an airman as he stands in the book. This painful experience must make his new friend Anna, as she caught him just on her birthday with another. In her anger, Anna cursed him with the words "From now on you are air!" And indeed, from that moment Max is invisible to all the world. For Max, who was used to everything revolving around him, a situation as unpleasant as it was instructive. After the first shock, however, he does everything possible to become visible again and to recapture Anna's heart.
Un soltero hedonista, se enamora de un paciente mental escapado. Til Schweiger presenta un drama de comedia romántica "Barfuss" (Barefoot), su primer trabajo en solitario en casi una década. Punchy, tono anti-establishment, con Schweiger jugando un soltero hedonista - él es la oveja negra de su familia rica - que se enamora de una paciente mental suicida (Johanna Wokalek). Una historia de amor extravagante, extrañamente tierna se desarrolla como Nick lucha con responsabilidad por primera vez en su vida.
Der Weihnachtshund
Max Jung
Smart financial advisor Katrin is desperately looking for a way to escape Christmas in her family's lap. And that seems to be coming up soon. In the all-rounder Max, with whom she shares a pronounced aversion to the festival of love, and his dog Kurt, she finds the right companions to implement a sophisticated master plan. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan.
Küss mich, Kanzler!
Dani Rosen
Utta Danella - Plötzlich ist es Liebe
Marco Leitner
Seven Weeks In Italy
Ricardo Rizzi
La dolce vita! Except life is anything but sweet for Jan (Kai Wiesinger), whose attempts to modernize an old luxury hotel in Italy are thwarted by the local competition’s mafia-like methods. Fortunately, help is at hand in the shapely form of Maria (Liane Forestieri), a German-Italian who originally came to fetch her young son. Together, they get the job done and, this being a romantic comedy, fall in love just as marketing director Susanne, who also happens to be Jans’ girlfriend, arrives to inspect the work. Her suspicions are soon aroused.
In der Höhle der Löwin
Dr. Nick Freibach
Ulf Marker
Er oder keiner
En el mundo del futuro, un régimen estricto ha eliminado las guerras al haber superado las emociones. Los libros, el arte y la música están totalmente prohibidos, y los sentimientos se consideran un crimen castigado con la pena de muerte. El clérigo John Preston (Christian Bale) es un agente de élite del gobierno, responsable de combatir aquellos que osen desafiar las reglas. Cuando pierde una dosis de "Prozium", una droga que altera la mente para ocultar sus emociones, toda su escala de valores cambiará de manera súbita.
Wann ist der Mann ein Mann?
Marc Weinmann
While his wife Linda jets through the world as a pilot, the architect Jan Weber takes care of the son as a full-time houseman. When Jan unexpectedly slips into an affair with the equally successful and attractive businesswoman Sophie Berger, who also makes a comeback in his professional life, Jan faces a difficult decision: Will he continue to stay a houseman or return to work as a "real man"?
Vollweib sucht Halbtagsmann
Peter Seifert
The Admirer
Wolfgang Dorn
The night in which really nobody had any sex
At the party, her friend Sabine Andrea suddenly stands before her former boyfriend Eric . Again, the spark ignites . Until Eric told his old flame , which he now earns his money : He founded an agency that mediates the alibis of adulterers . Andrea is appalled . To still have a chance with her , Eric leaves a on a bet : If Sabines flagship husband student Doris resists , he gives to the agency . If Uwe however weak, Andrea has with her ex to love holiday on an island . In the end everything turns out differently...
Albert Haffner
Georg Kenter
Du oder keine
Die Braut meines Freundes
Dr. Jörg Klein
Utta Danella - Der schwarze Spiegel
Felix Ravinski
The widowed furniture manufacturer Karl Ravinski is planning a merger in Mallorca, but the call girl Cora Talheim, which is to distract the wise businessman, warns him in the last second before the giant fraud. Ravinski is so fascinated by her charm and pride that he falls in love with her and spontaneously marries her. With that he disgusts his children Felix and Hella, who worry about their inheritance. Only the boyish Irene befriends Cora. But as Ravinski dies of heart failure and Cora escapes an assassination attempt, pushes Count Count on grim secrets behind the perfect family façade.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Möwen im Wind
David Douglas
Drei Tage Angst
Martin Fischer
Geisterjäger John Sinclair : Die Dämonenhochzeit
John Sinclair
Three girls summon a demon. John Sinclair, a British investigator for supernatural phenomena, travels to Germany to meet Kerstin who is the only girl left. But the demon wants to sacrifice her in the old cathedral of Cologne.
Llamando a las puertas del cielo
Dos jóvenes enfermos terminales dedicen vivir con intensidad y alocamiento sus últimos días, saltándose todas las normas. La historia narrada combina de modo singular drama y comedia. Y presenta situaciones muy disparadas, que provocan la risa. Aunque los anhelos más íntimos de los protagonistas se revelan limitados -ver el mar, que uno de ellos no conoce-, el alemán Thomas Jahn logra impregnarlos de entidad dramática. Esta atrevida película ganó el premio a la mejor película en el festival de Sitges de 1997.
Kabel und Liebe
Die Halbstarken
Zwei vom gleichen Schlag
Robert Wolff
Tras ser hallado en un cesto por una princesa egipcia de la familia real, Moisés, un niño judío, vivirá durante años disfrutando del lujo y los privilegios de la corte faraónica. Pero, cuando averigua cuál es su origen, abandona Egipto y se retira al desierto para meditar. Llega entonces a la conclusión de que su misión es liberar a los esclavos hebreos, pero esto lo enfrentará con el Faraón, que intentará por todos los medios evitar que Moisés saque a los judíos de Egipto para conducirlos a la Tierra Prometida.
Is Mausi Coming Out?
Kati leaves her hometown - a small provincetown in northwestern Germany - to live in the city of Hamburg. Being about 18 years old she has just finished school and seeks her freedom away from home. She knows she loves women but never dared to live accordingly. In Hamburg she soon finds a lover and a good friend, too, and the strength to face the narrow-minded people at home. After struggling with it for some time she returns for a visit to tell at least her mother and best friend.
Mutter mit 16
Fremde, liebe Fremde