Timothy Banfield


Bad Romance
Sound Mixer
Rob is the loneliest of loners. He is so desperate to find love that he constructs an absurd (and quite cinematic) plot to meet and impress women: he is tracking a man by the name of Jack S. who killed his wife to seek revenge, which – to him – is obviously an insanely loyal and courageous thing to do. Hannah, a seductive bartender who used to be married to a man named Jack S., agrees to help Rob track him down – a perfect excuse to get closer to (the now single) Hannah and to do everything he can to become exactly who she wants in her ideal guy. But little does Rob know that some of the people he meets along the way have intentions that turn Rob’s reality upside down – or is it right-side up?
Trump vs the Illuminati
Trump's Chinese Clone
Un clon chino del 45o presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald J. Trump, sobrevive a la destrucción de la Tierra al escapar de su laboratorio de máxima seguridad y refugiarse a bordo del último transbordador espacial chino. Cientos de años en el futuro, la raza humana lucha por su supervivencia contra las fuerzas Illuminati. Siguiendo una profecía, el clon de Trump une fuerzas con los aliados humanos supervivientes para llevar la batalla directamente a la sede de los Illuminati en el infierno. Pero cuando Donald Trump se encuentre con el mismísimo Satanás, estará en la pelea de su vida.
Spaced Cats
Emperor Trump/ Katastrophe
Meet the Spaced Cats, two cannabis-craving cats on a mission to cop the best weed in the galaxy. This crew is higher than outer space itself and it's going to take help from all the wrong places to succeed on their mission. Blast off to parts unknown: these felines are flying high.
Space Babies
With the galaxy in turmoil, an elite team of outer space rogues to pledge alliance to cosmic justice and galactic peace! Welcome boys and girls to to a thrilling era of high adventure!