Yamaguchi Ryuto


Llegaré A Ti
Sawako (Tabe Mikako) tiene un aspecto sombrio y debido a eso es apodada: "Sadako" por sus compañeros de clases. Por otro lado, ella es una chica brillante y cuidadosa. Tiene un lema, "Hacer una acción buena una vez al día" por eso ella se preocupa demasiado por los demás y no puede expresar sus sentimientos. Mientras que Shota Kazehaya (Miura Haruma), compañero de clases de Sawako es extrovertido y popular entre todos los estudiantes y sobre todo por las chicas. Él incluso es amable con Sawako, esto hace que ella lo respete mucho y lo admire. Pero Kazehaya tiene sentimientos especiales por Sawako, pero no se da cuenta de la mirada y sentimientos de Sawako hacia él, entonces decide ocultar sus sentimientos. Con la ayuda de Kazehaya comienza a hacer amigos e incluso se hace amiga de Chizuru Yoshida y Ayane Yano. Con el tiempo viven muchas cosas juntos y se crea una hermosa amistad que luego se darán cuenta que entre ellos dos hay algo más que amistad.
Tokyo Island
Men and one woman have drifted to an uninhabited island. The only woman will try to survive by taking advantage of her own sexual attractiveness.
Boku to Mama No Kiiroi Jitensha
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his mother left home to study in Paris. His favorite moments come once a week when he receives a letter from his mother. But one day, during Taishi's summer vacation, he learns that his mother isn't in Paris but in Shodoshima, Japan. Taishi then decides to take his pet dog with him and bicycle from his hometown of Yokohama all the way to Shodoshima. On his 500 kilometers trip to Shodoshima, Taishi meets various peoples and touches their hearts, while leaving behind small miracles. What Taishi doesn't know about his mother is that she suffers from memory loss and that's why she lives apart from her family. Taishi's father Kazushi soon learns that his son has left for Shodoshima and he sets out to find his son.