Ángel Zermen

Ángel Zermen


Ángel Zermen


No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea
A writer's career — and entire life — suddenly goes off script when he falls prey to a dangerous web of criminals right before moving to Barcelona.
La Sombra de una Dama
An oniric trip into the mind of a detective, in which we witness a story fabricated to cover up a heinous crime.
This brief story takes place in the 1950s and it follows our main character Dominic, a 30 year old worker who all of a suden wakes up in a bathroom without any exit. Dominic is not capable to remember how he got to this place neither his own past. Nevertheless he knows he is not alone in this bathroom, Paul a famous writer is also trapped in this place. Dominic has to find out how he got to this place and how is he related to Paul.
Satélite retrógrado irregular de Júpiter
Jupiter's irregular retrograde satellites are dedicated to fulfilling fantasies that free man from pain.
Un astronauta despierta en otro planeta e inicia una travesía en busca de respuestas junto con Daw, un joven que lo ayudará a regresar a casa.