Mike Bloemendal


Sound Mixer
Fifty-six-year-old Perianayaki contends with the difficulties of fitting into her new home, especially at the local supermarket where she works. Eye-opening and brimming with compassion, the latest film from director Bala Murali Shingade is a slice-of-life character study that provokes questions about multiculturalism and our assumptions about the people we encounter in daily life.
Sound Designer
Fifty-six-year-old Perianayaki contends with the difficulties of fitting into her new home, especially at the local supermarket where she works. Eye-opening and brimming with compassion, the latest film from director Bala Murali Shingade is a slice-of-life character study that provokes questions about multiculturalism and our assumptions about the people we encounter in daily life.
Guerra de los mundos: Goliath
El film nos sitúa 14 años después de la Invasión de los Mundos, el hombre ha reedificado el mundo utilizando en gran parte la tecnología marciana. Equipado con enormes máquinas de combate trípodes funcionando con vapor, la fuerza rápida de reacción internacional, A.R.E.S., es la primera línea de defensa contra un posible regreso de los marcianos. Y los marcianos volverán.