Karina Lechuga


Bosco: La Sombra perdida bajo la luna de plata
La línea entre la la realidad y la alucinación se desdibuja para Bosco, mientras lucha por resolver el caso de una desaparición y mantener la cordura en un mundo donde las sombras esconden verdades inimaginables.
Torn from Her Arms
Una madre y una hija que huyeron de la violencia en El Salvador deben encontrar el camino de regreso después de ser separadas en la frontera de los Estados Unidos y detenidas en centros de detención en diferentes estados.
90 días para el 2 de Julio
Luis, a young 20 year old man must remain hidden in a house while the presidential elections pass. This is what Andrés, his boyfriend and presidential candidate of a very conservative party, asked him.
An undocumented immigrant, Roberto, seeks a way to become lawful, but all efforts are put on hold when he becomes a new father at the onset of the US government's 'Zero Tolerance' child separation policy at the US / Mexico border.
Video Vega
Dos empleados de Video Vega, el último videoclub de la ciudad, descubren la identidad de un asesino en serie local conocido como el mata fifis.
Ayer te quise, mañana no sé
Maria is a young writer who is trying to finish writing her first novel, however her obsession with the wrong man has led her to a stagnation in her life, which makes this work more difficult. Julia, her best friend tries to get her out of her deep depression, however both friends will cross paths with love on the way and it will make them change their mindset that love doesn't suck and only coincidences are enough to find what they have always been looking for.
Los que no saben volar
After his third intent of commit suicide, Emiliano begins the preparations for his next and definitive intent of killing himself, with the help of a 40-year old nurse named Bertha, and a very strange book called "The Suicide Manual".