Key Animation
During a Japanese robotic exploration to find life on the other side of the moon, Nobita is watching from Earth and sees the moon turn yellow. With the help of Doraemon, the pair travel to the moon and create bunnies that will build their own colony. After he returns, Nobita tells his class about their adventure but no one will believe him. That is until a new student and his sister arrive who appear to come from a very far away place...
Key Animation
After the idol group Aqours has won the final Love Live! contest, its remaining members prepare to enroll at a new school only to run into some unexpected trouble while the former members go missing on the way to their graduation trip. Separated, the girls begin to realize the value of their friendships as they attempt to find a solution to their various crises.
Animation Director
After the idol group Aqours has won the final Love Live! contest, its remaining members prepare to enroll at a new school only to run into some unexpected trouble while the former members go missing on the way to their graduation trip. Separated, the girls begin to realize the value of their friendships as they attempt to find a solution to their various crises.
Key Animation
Nobita y la pandilla se escapan de casa, viajando en el tiempo hasta 70,000 años antes de que naciera Japón. Después de un tiempo, vuelven al presente. Sin embargo, cuando se encuentran con un joven hombre de las cavernas, Kukuru, a quien accidentalmente han transportado a su era actual, se dan cuenta de que deben llevarlo de vuelta a la edad primitiva. Además de eso, tendrán que salvar a la tribu de Kukuru, llamada tribu Hikari, que fue atacada y secuestrada por la tribu Giganzonbie y Kurayami.
Key Animation
Han pasado algunos años desde el final de la Guerra Shinobi. Naruto Uzumaki es el séptimo Hokage de Konoha, en esta nueva era. Su hijo, Boruto Uzumaki, pronto entrará en los exámenes de Chunin, junto Sarada Uchiha y el misterioso Mitsuki.