Tristán is a journalist with deep political convictions who worked for years doing research. Once married with three children, he accepts a much more remunerative job on television and, little by little, he finds himself involved in a life that he did not expect. Now he has a house of his own and his children attend a private school. But one day, faced with the possibility of spending a family vacation at Disney World in Orlando, she decides that her children know Cuba and that they explore a world very different from the one they know.
Los últimos diez años de vida de Manuel Belgrano, el creador de la Bandera Argentina. El comienzo de su estrategia política y militar, las batallas ganadas, las derrotas y un final en el que se instala el desencanto, la enfermedad y el replanteo permanente de sus fuerzas y aptitudes para continuar con la gesta patriótica. La vida privada de un hombre marcado por su compromiso público con la historia de nuestro país signada por aires de revolución y cambio.
DEBT is the story of a frantic pursuit: the search for the responsible for the televised cry of hunger of Barbara Flores, an eight-year-old Argentinean girl. Buenos Aires, Washington, the IMF, the World Bank and Davos; corruption and the international bureaucratic lack of interest.