Adam Whitton


Home Is Where I Lay
Executive Producer
The night before Lily and Joe make the move into their new home, Lily has a premonition of her death. Can she stop it, or will the house take her?
Executive Producer
Suffering amnesia after a mysterious accident, film director Archie Finch pieces together his life with the help of a seeming specter.
The Scientist
Executive Producer
Steve Unger busca desesperadamente la cura para salvar a su esposa que padece una enfermedad terminal, además debe cuidar a su pequeña hija de 10 años Lily, lo que complica más aún su situación. Por eso, decide dejar de lado su ética y moral, experimentando con la modificación del ADN, la última esperanza para salvar a su esposa, o quizás para conocer el horror que nunca imaginó.
Una Noche de Octubre
Executive Producer
En la víspera de Halloween, a los residentes de una ciudad suburbana les suceden cosas extrañas, que son atormentados por una serie de personajes asesinos tanto reales como sobrenaturales. Mientras sus historias se entrelazan, tejen una noche de terror inolvidable e inquietante.
Blood Moon River
Executive Producer
Eddie and his friends decide to take their cameras into the woods to debunk the legend of Blood Moon River, they soon realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Their situation goes from bad to worse.
A Gamer's Life
Go behind the scenes to uncover the truths of being a professional gamer for a living. Can you really make a living from being a gamer?
Furry Nights
Executive Producer
When a group of teenagers venture into the woods, they stumble upon a group of Furries. Accidentally mistaking one for a real animal leads to a tragic accident. The Furries, led by the brutal Mr. Fox, launch an all-out assault on the youths. Can the teens survive the revenge of the Furries?!?
O. Unilateralis
In the summer of 2012, footage was captured by three travelers on a road trip, who unwittingly find themselves in the middle of a massive global conspiracy.
Executive Producer
Un niño escribe un libro de historias con su mejor amigo. Alguna de esas historias se hace realidad. Junto con la aparición de una misteriosa chica, el niño se ve obligado a enfrentarse a la realidad de lo que ha escrito, y comienza una batalla para tratar de reescribir la muerte.
Black Eyed Children: Let Me In
Executive Producer
An aspiring filmmaker embarks on a journey to investigate the nightmarish and haunting stories behind the Black Eyed Children phenomenon.
After Dark
Executive Producer
Spring break for seven college students is derailed with one wrong turn. A flat tire on a deserted road leaves them stranded after dark in the company of a menacing drifter who may or may not be trying to help.
Red Scream Vampyres
Executive Producer
With an abandoned train station as their haunt and an endless supply of hitchhikers to provide sustenance, a lovely lesbian vampire duo seduces then savages their victims in this erotic gore fest from director David R. Williams. Things get complicated for the ladies, though, when one of them falls in love with an intended victim and a pair of scholars of urban decay decide to explore the bloodsuckers' lair.