Robert Markowitz

Robert Markowitz


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Robert Markowitz  (born February 7, 1935 in Irvington, New Jersey) is an American film/television director. He has directed a number television films that include Too Young to Die? (1990), Decoration Day (1990), The Tuskegee Airmen (1995), The Great Gatsby (2000), The Pilot's Wife (2003), Word of Honor (2003) and among other films. He also directed episodes Delvecchio, Serpico and the anthology series Amazing Stories. His last directing credit was the TNT television film Avenger (2003) starring Sam Elliott and Timothy Hutton. Description above from the Wikipedia article Robert Markowitz, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Robert Markowitz


El Vengador
Cal Dexter (Sam Elliott) es un héroe de guerra y ex agente de las fuerzas especiales que, tras la trágica muerte de su esposa y de su hija, decide perseguir sin piedad a todos aquellos criminales de guerra que el gobierno se niega a detener y a llevar ante la justicia. Pero, en su nueva misión, interfiere con los intereses de la CIA, convirtiéndose así en su objetivo. La agencia envía entonces a Frank McBride (Timothy Hutton) para parar los pies al vengativo Dexter.
Seducción peligrosa
Una atractiva abogada sin escrúpulos estafa a inmigrantes que desean conseguir la tarjeta de residencia. Un joven y ambicioso periodista intenta desenmascararla trabajando para ella, sin ni siquiera sospechar el peligro que corre. Pronto el reportero se dejará seducir por ella y se verá involucrado en asuntos muy peligrosos.
Palabra de honor
Tras la publicación de un libro que acusa al ex-teniente Ben Tyson de haber perpetrado, durante la guerra, una masacre en un hospital vietnamita, éste acepta reincorporarse a filas para someterse a un consejo de guerra que aclare lo sucedido.
Rutas Secretas
Kathryn Lyons tiene una vida familiar perfecta, un amante marido, una hija adolescente y una preciosa casa. Toda su vida cambiará para siempre desde el momento que recibe una llamada en mitad de la noche. Comenzará una frenética investigación para descubrir grandes secretos.
Rutas Secretas
Kathryn Lyons tiene una vida familiar perfecta, un amante marido, una hija adolescente y una preciosa casa. Toda su vida cambiará para siempre desde el momento que recibe una llamada en mitad de la noche. Comenzará una frenética investigación para descubrir grandes secretos.
The Big Heist
Based on the 1986 book "The Heist: How a Gang Stole $8,000,000 at Kennedy Airport and Lived to Regret It", by Ernest Volkman and John Cummings, this TV movie tells the story about the 1978 Lufthansa Heist at JFK Airport in New York - the largest cash robbery ever committed on American soil. The heist was also the subject of the much better-known 1990 film "Goodfella"s, directed by Martin Scorsese. It was also the subject of another made-for-television film: "The 10 Million Dollar Getaway" from 1991.
The Big Heist
Based on the 1986 book "The Heist: How a Gang Stole $8,000,000 at Kennedy Airport and Lived to Regret It", by Ernest Volkman and John Cummings, this TV movie tells the story about the 1978 Lufthansa Heist at JFK Airport in New York - the largest cash robbery ever committed on American soil. The heist was also the subject of the much better-known 1990 film "Goodfella"s, directed by Martin Scorsese. It was also the subject of another made-for-television film: "The 10 Million Dollar Getaway" from 1991.
El gran Gatsby
Ambientada en Nueva York y Long Island en los años 20. Jay Gatsby y Daisy Buchanan son dos jóvenes acaudalados destinados a enamorarse. Pero su entorno social, de estrictas convicciones, será el principal obstáculo a su tormentosa relación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Small Vices
Bested on the best-selling novel by author Robert B. Parker, Joe Mantegna is Spenser - Boston's best-known private eye. Called upon to investigate a case of murder, corruption, and betrayal, the super sleuth finds himself marked for death and on the run from a ruthless international assassin.
El regalo de Nicolás
Estando de vacaciones en Italia, una familia americana es atracada. Tras el impacto de una bala, el hijo sufre un daño cerebral.
Into Thin Air: Death on Everest
An adaptation of Jon Krakauer's best selling book, "Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster". This movie attempts to re-create the disastrous events that took place during the Mount Everest climb on May 10, 1996. It also follows Jon Krakauer throughout the movie, and portrays what he was going through while climbing this mountain.
La Biblia: David
Las tribus de Israel necesitan un rey para derrotar a la fuerza superior de los filisteos. El profeta Samuel da a los hebreos su primer rey, Saúl, un simple granjero, quien con la ayuda de Dios se convierte en un guerrero valiente y poderoso que dirige a las tribus unidas de Israel contra sus enemigos. Saulo, sin embargo, tiene dudas incesantes sobre su misión. No es lo suficientemente confiable de la sabiduría divina, actúa por su propia voluntad y por lo tanto los pecados contra el Señor. El influyente profeta Samuel se aleja de Saúl con el fin de seleccionar a un nuevo rey según la voluntad de Dios: David. Cuando David sale victorioso de su encuentro con Goliat, el guerrero de los filisteos más potente, se convierte en un héroe. Su fama despierta los celos del rey Saúl, quien siente que David le va a disputar su reinado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Escuadrón de combate 332
En 1943, los alemanes van ganando la guerra mientras que las tropas norteamericanas sufren incontables bajas. Un grupo de reclutas es observado con recelo mientras viaja hacia Alabama para incorporarse al Ejército.
Because Mommy Works
Since her divorce nurse Abbey lives alone with her 6 years old son Willie. Her ex-husband Ted may have Willie every second weekend. But when Ted marries Clare, who has two children herself, he wants to see Willie more and more often.
En los límites de la realidad: Los clásicos perdidos de Rod Serling
Rod Serling es el autor de las dos historias que componen esta película. En la primera, llamada 'El teatro', una chica ve durante la proyección de una película, escenas de su propia vida mezcladas en la pantalla, incluido un terrorífico futuro. En la segunda, 'Donde la muerte está', un médico practica la autopsia a un hombre fallecido durante una operación de apendicitis, descubriendo que doce años antes había sufrido una fractura de cráneo a la que hubiera sido imposible sobrevivir.
Convinced that her husband Norm is being unfaithful, Ann Demski has an affair with family friend Nick. When she realizes that Nick contrived the evidence of Norm's unfaithfulness in order to seduce her, she breaks off the affair. Nick then launches an unrelenting campaign to destroy Ann's life.
Based on a true story, one woman takes on the U.S. military and General Dynamics; maker of the F-16, thought to be the very best tactical fighter in the world. Air Force Captain Theodore T. Harduvel was one of the best F-16 pilots the U.S. had to offer. After much digging, Janet Harduvel discovers a joint military and General Dynamic cover-up. She proves to be unwavering in her search for the truth to clear his name.
Un día de gloria
Un viudo cascarrabias que prácticamente vive encerrado en casa, se ve obligado a unirse a su comunidad cuando su ahijado se mete en problemas y un amigo de la infancia, un granjero negro, se niega a aceptar una medalla de honor del congreso por la valentía demostrada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Demasiado joven para morir
Amanda Sue Bradley (Juliette Lewis) es una adolescente de apenas 15 años con un pasado terrible: violada por su padrastro y abandonada por su madre, se casó cuando era un cría, pero su marido la ha dejado. Sola, sin dinero, conoce a Billy (Brad Pitt), un joven atractivo pero que la lleva a una vida de drogas y prostitución...
A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story
Art Direction
Tracy Thurman was married to a man who abused her. But he continues to harass her after she gets a restraining order, and the police do little to help. When he brutally beats her and slashes her throat in front of police, she sues the city and the police department for failing to protect her.
Adam: His Song Continues
Follows the true story of John and Reve Walsh who, after their child was murdered, fought to raise national awareness of the problem of missing children.
Alex: The Life of a Child
Based on true events, 'Alex: The Life of a Child' follows former 'Sports Illustrated' writer Frank Deford and his wife Carole when their happy, all-American family is rocked to the core when their baby daughter Alex is diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. While CF sufferers were almost certainly doomed to an early death in the Seventies, Alex grew into a child who showed remarkable courage and strength in face of her illness. Her loving family were quick to rally around her, determined to show the same bravery as the little girl as they supported and cherished her through life and struggled to move on after her death at the tragically young age of eight.
Children of the Night
A sociology graduate student researches her doctoral thesis on female crime by interviewing street prostitutes. Shocked by her findings, she offers her own apartment to teenage prostitutes seeking refuge from the streets, many of whom are rejected by their parents and are dependent on their pimps.
Kojak: El archivo de Belarús
El teniente Theo Kojak se une a Dana Sutton, un agente federal, para descubrir una conspiración que se remonta a la ocupación nazi de la Unión Soviética.
My Mother's Secret Life
16 year old Tobi has just lost her father, whom she has been living with. She finds her mother's address in his papers. So Tobi builds up a fantasy of what her mother, Ellen Blake, must be like. But when she goes to see her, she finds out her mother is a high priced call-girl.
The Phantom of the Opera
The Budapest Opera House's diva commits suicide after the owner ruins her career for having rejected his advances but her conductor-husband, believed killed in a fire, plans his revenge on all those he deems responsible for her suicide.
The Wall
A dramatic re-enactment of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish uprising in April 1943 were 650 armed members of the Jewish Fighting Organization of Poland held off a 3,000 strong Nazi force in which only a handful of Jews survived. Tom Conti plays Dolek Berson, a Jewish smuggler who joins the resistance movement and is aided on the Aryan side of the wall by a former teacher named Regina Kowalski played by Rachel Roberts in her final role.
Pray TV
A newly ordained minister accepts a summer job with a dynamic TV evangelist only to find deep conflicts between the latter's conventional activities servicing his community's spiritual needs and his power wielded as a TV celebrity.
El largo regreso a casa
Muchos años después de haber sido abandonado por sus padres, Donald sale en busca de sus hermanos. Su mayor desafío es pasar a través de las capas de la burocracia. Se pasa a un consejero que le ofrece ayuda para localizar a su hermano y a su hermana desaparecidos.
An up-and-coming nightclub singer falls in love with a shy young deaf teacher who aspires to be a dancer.
The Storyteller
A television writer is troubled by accusations that a young boy's death resulted from actions the boy copied from the writer's teleplay.
The Deadliest Season
Gerry Miller, a professional hockey player, gives in to internal and outside pressures and adopts a more aggressive style on the ice. During one particularly violent game a player on an opposing team dies, and the authorities charge Miller with manslaughter.
The Face of Genius
Associate Producer
The Face of a Genius is a 1966 American documentary film about Eugene O’Neill, produced by Alfred R. Kelman for WBZ-TV Boston. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, the first time that a film originally produced for television was recognized by the Academy as a nominee for Best Documentary Feature.