Digital Compositor
Pietro es un chico de ciudad, Bruno es el último niño de una localidad de montaña olvidada. Con el paso de los años, Bruno se mantiene fiel a su montaña, mientras que Pietro viene y va. Sus experiencias le harán enfrentarse al amor y a la pérdida, recordándoles sus orígenes y abriendo paso al destino.
Digital Compositor
Para cumplir el último deseo de su difunta madre, Lina pasa el verano en Roma antes de empezar la carrera. Allí encuentra amor, aventuras y una nueva pasión: el helado.
Digital Compositor
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.