Bernard Lajarrige

Bernard Lajarrige

Nacimiento : 1912-02-25, Saint-Mandé, Seine [now Val-de-Marne], France

Muerte : 1999-05-29


Bernard Lajarrige


Le Roi de Paris
El rey de Parí es Victor Derval, el gran actor, y quiere ser el conquistador de la escena teatral de 1930. Vive con su corte: el director del teatro de la Gran Comedia, su fiel vestidora, un marqués en decadencia y su antigua amante y compañera de escena.
Oui patron!
M. de Sermaise
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
Le Crabe-Tambour
Le recteur
"Le Crabe Tambour" ("Drummer Crab") is the nickname for the mysterious central character, Willsdorff (Jacques Perrin), an Alsatian, whose doomed, out-of-date career is recalled through the tales of three naval officers currently serving aboard a French supply ship in the North Atlantic.
Madame Rosa
Louis Charmette - un retraité SNCF
Madame Rosa es una exprostituta judía de unos 70 años que se gana la vida acogiendo en su casa de París a los hijos no deseados de las prostitutas del barrio. Cuida a doce chiquillos, a los que sus madres visitan cuando pueden y le entregan algo de dinero. Pero hay cuatro por los que no recibe dinero alguno, como Momo, un chico árabe de catorce años. Sabiendo que su salud y sus recursos se están agotando, Madame Rosa le confiesa al chico sus problemas, pero, al mismo tiempo, muy preocupada por su tristeza, llama al médico, que le dice que el único problema del muchacho es la falta de afecto. Como Momo no es admitido en la escuela, tiene que buscarse la vida en la calle. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Seventh Company Has Been Found
The second part of the Seventh Company adventures.
Let Joy Reign Supreme
Amaury de Lambilly
A look at 18th-century France, when the authorities depravity contributed to social oppression, and the uprisings flared up one after another.
Monsieur seul
Le concierge
No overview found.
The Bar at the Crossing
Nicky Holly
In 1916, Vincent van Horst leaves Europe to return to his Canadian homeland. There, he seeks his former love, Maria... but the lady's pride is hurt and she refuses to see him. Vincent then falls for a younger woman, Annie.
Sophie's Ways
Mr. Aignan
Céline is a free-spirited woman is married to a dull, middle manager Philippe. Her husband's co-worker pegged her as a household ornament because of the union. She befriends a woman who shows her how to juggle the couple's living expenses to get what she wants. As she asserts her independence and gradually frees herself from her husband's claustrophobic world, she turns to painting and writing about the inequity between genders.
Échec et meurtre
Jean Péronnet
Adieu Berthe
Les Patates
Bourg-Fidèle Mayor
In a village in the Ardennes, during the German occupation, finding rations is becoming almost impossible. Clovis, an ordinary labourer, decides to cross the occupied zone to bring back enough potatoes to feed his family. His plan is a success but Clovis rapidly becomes obsessed with storing the precious tubers.
El archiduque Rodolfo, heredero del Imperio Austro-Húngaro, lleva una vida tediosa a pesar estar rodeado de toda clase de lujos. Incluso sus amoríos le aburren, pero un día conoce a Marie y se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin embargo, el emperador Francisco José considera que Marie no es una mujer adecuada para ser emperatriz.
Las criaturas
Doctor Desteau
Tras un accidente de coche, un novelista termina en una curiosa nave y descubre que ha adquirido el poder de actuar sobre los demás
Trap for the Assassin
Bernadit (uncredited)
Un hombre sólo puede salir indemne de una acusación de asesinato si confiesa una infidelidad. Condenado a muerte, escapa a América. Diez años después, convertido en millonario, vuelve para vengarse...
Angélica, marquesa de los ángeles
Le baron de Sancé de Monteloup
Mediados del siglo XVII- Francia: el joven Louis XIV lucha por mantener su poder. Angélique de Sancé de Monteloup, quinta hija de un empobrecido noble del país, crece en las marismas del Poitou. A los 17 años se encuentra comprometida con el rico conde Joffrey de Peyrac, el cual es 12 años mayor que ella, cojo, y lleno de cicatrices. Por el bien de su familia, Angélique acepta a regañadientes. Peyrac respeta su decisión y no reclama sus derechos conyugales, con el deseo de conquistarla. Con el paso de los meses, Angelique descubre los talentos y las virtudes de su notable marido: científico, músico, filósofo, y para su sorpresa, se enamora apasionadamente de él. Pero la inusual vida de Joffrey se ve amenazada por las ambiciones del arzobispo de Toulouse, y pronto despierta la envidia del mismo joven rey, Louis XIV. Joffrey es arrestado y acusado de brujería.
La Porteuse de pain
Le préfet de police
Una joven resulta ser la víctima de un grave error judicial.
El collar de la muerte
El robo de un collar de la época de los egipcios que había pertenecido a Cleopatra está llevando de cabeza a Scotland Yard. La infalible intuición de Sherlock Holmes (Christopher Lee) le lleva a pensar que su gran enemigo Moriarty (Hans Söhnker) está detrás de los extraños acontecimientos que se desarrollan en torno al collar. Con la ayuda de Watson (Thorley Walters), Sherlock Holmes intentará resolver este misterio y desenmascarar al malvado y embaucador Moriarty.
Caroline of Rijeka
The movie Karolina Rijecka is loosely based on the legendary story of young Karolina Belinic. When the English fleet began firing cannons on the Adriatic port of Rijeka, young Karolina boarded the ship of English Admiral John Leard and negotiated a cease-fire to save the town from destruction.
Il suffit d'aimer
François Soubirous
This modest, unpretentious French film is a streamlined version of the true story previously cinematized as The Song of Bernadette (1943). Daniele Ajort plays the simple 19th-century French peasant girl who insists that she has experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary. Once this sighting becomes common knowledge, Bernadette's very existence becomes a religious and political hot potato. Thousands of people flock to the grotto at Lourdes where Bernadette claims she has seen the Holy Mother, believing that the waters therein contain recuperative powers. Bernadette dies under a cloud of controversy, but is ultimately elevated to sainthood by the Vatican.
Murder at 45 R.P.M.
Danielle Darrieux stars in this French thriller as a singer having an affair with her accompanist. When her husband dies in an automobile accident, the two lovers suspect each other of having murdered him. Soon after, they receive 45 rpm records with the dead man’s voice, threatening to come back.
Port of Point-du-Jour
Robert Flic
Emile is a steelworker in a car factory ;a confirmed bachelor going on fifty, he leads a peaceful life .One night, he is woken up by a burst of machine gun fire. The cafe in the corner of the street has been burglarized.A distraught young girl rushes into his apartment building and hides in his room .When the police make a search, he makes her out to be his lover for the night.Madeleine tells her about her sad past : she has severed all links with her parents ,she's an unwed mother and in the underworld's clutches. Emile sends his protegee to old mommy Dupont's place ,in the suburbs of Paris.
The Cat Shows Her Claws
A Mistress for the Summer
The Bartender
Phllippe se reúne con una amiga, Paule, y su hijo, Michel, en una lujosa villa de la Costa Azul. Nada más llegar seduce a Monette. Michel decide irse, asqueado, pero su madre confía en que Monette logre retenerle No obstante, la joven prefiere a Philippe...
An off-beat, uneven tale about a man intent on suicide and the three people who try to talk him out of it, Pantalaskas stars American Carl Studer in the title role of the morose, would-be suicide. Set in Paris and taking place over an entire night, the story has a complication in that the trio who want to prevent the suicide do not speak the man's language -- he is Lithuanian and speaks no French. So the protagonists comb the underbelly of a nighttime Paris, looking high and low but mostly low for anyone who speaks Lithuanian. Depending mainly on dialogue for its impact, the verbose drama reveals how the protagonists undergo a transformation as the night wears on.
The Great Deception
Pascal d'Éon de Beaumont
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Not Delivered
L'inspecteur Le Crocq
After resolving to start a new life with his girlfriend Jacqueline, Bastien Sassey decides to give up working as a courier for drugs traffickers. So that he and Jacqueline can make a fresh start he agrees to take on one more job for a large sum of cash, but he betrays his employer.
Los espias
Le garçon de café
Un psiquiatra acoge en su clínica a un agente secreto sin reparar en las nefastas consecuencias que ello va a ocasionarle.
Une nuit aux Baléares
Dysian Mekanovitch
What a Team!
Louis Sévrier
Hubert Franier, an honest hospital extern, should never had got into trouble had he not been infatuated with Véra, a beautiful but stupid creature, who led him down the wrong path. Because of her and her friends, Hubert, who naively thought he was taking part in a practical joke, was actually a party to a car theft. Because of him, Monsieur Pierre, a good-natured caretaker, is in hospital. Racked with remorse, Hubert decides to hide from the police and finds refuge at his friend Louis'. Louis is a very sociable artist and his flat is the meeting place of many a colorful character. There, Hubert gets to know Candy, a Black American saxophonist, as well as Boubou, a Black little boy. He also meets Marie-Lou, a bar girl who dreams of becoming a nurse.
La travesía de París
Durante la ocupación nazi de París, un torpe e ingenuo estraperlista se ve obligado a pedir ayuda a un extraño individuo que dice ser pintor para poder transportar en varias maletas un cerdo troceado. Juntos tendrán que cruzar la ciudad en plena noche. (FILMAFFINITY)
Thirteen at the Table
Thirteen is unlucky on Christmas Eve dinner.
Caroline and the Rebels
Lavaux, l'ordonnance de Juan
Durante la ocupación de España por las tropas napoleónicas, el joven Juan de Aranda (Jean Claude Pascal) se distingue tanto por su valor como por sus conquistas femeninas. Ignorando su verdadera ascendencia francesa, decidirá luchar primero al lado de los guerrilleros de la independencia, para acabar luego a las órdenes del general Gaston de Sallanches (Jacques Dacqmine). En su aventurera vida, varias mujeres le sacarán de situaciones críticas, pero será a la joven Pilar (Brigitte Bardot), que le librará de su cautiverio en la isla de Cabrera, a quién él entregará su corazón.
Felices Pascuas
Un matrimonio sin grandes recursos económicos gana un corderito en una rifa. Cuando ya han decidido comérselo en Nochebuena, advierten que sus hijos se han encariñado con el animal.
Mademoiselle Nitouche
Celestin works as an organist at a girl's school. By day, Celestin is the meek and mild target of the girls' incessant practical jokes. By night, however, he is the celebrated composer of popular operas -- and the romantic vis-à-vis of a celebrated stage star. When schoolgirl Denise stumbles onto Celestin's secret, she threatens to tell all -- but only if Celestin refuses to escort her to the opening night of his latest opera. As a result, Denise falls in love with a handsome young soldier, while Celestin is accidentally shipped off to an army camp. A series of silly coincidences brings happiness to all concerned by fade-out time.
Noches andaluzas
Un automóvil cuenta las historia de sus sucesivos dueños y personas que en algún momento han tenido contacto con él. Todo comienza con Dominique, una muchacha francesa que viaja a España con la esperanza de salvar la herencia de sus antepasados sin tener que comprometer su libertad y casarse con Armando. Pero éste hará todo lo posible para impedir que recupere su fortuna.
Mujeres soñadas
Un modesto profesor de piano opta por evadirse a través de sus sueños de la triste realidad que lo rodea. En primer lugar se traslada al reinado de Luis XIII. En cada una de las épocas que visita obtendrá el amor de una mujer.
Mr. Leguignon Lampiste
Maître Follenfant - un avocat
A railway worker, Leguignon, and his wife are forced to move into a house located in a shaggy part of town. What Leguignon doesn't know is that a group of children have discovered a treasure and keeps it stored in the house. Trouble ensues when he discovers the cache and tries to claim it as his own.
Massacre in Lace
P'tit Louis
Cock-eyed reporter Georges Masse enjoys a peaceful vacation in Venice. Which does not please his boss as he is not supposed to be... in vacation! P'tit Louis, Georges' blundering but faithful photographer, is sent to Venice with a mission: pull up his socks. But Georges is not so dormant as he appears. Behind the scenes, he investigates the activities of a gang that cleans out Venice. Quite logically, he soon finds himself face to face with a bunch of shady brutal characters, among whom Zélos, a Greek nightclub owner, and Alessandro Cassidi, a powerful motor manufacturer married to the alluring Clara, twice younger than he is...
My Wife Is Formidable
Lui-même jouant à la belote
Raymond Corbier, a sculptor, has a wonderful wife, Sylvia, whom he adores. To save a passionate admirer who simulates suicide because she does not respond to her advances, Sylvia, an irreproachable wife, is forced to lie for the first time to Raymond.
The Cape of Hope
Lyria, a faded beauty who runs a seedy waterfront bar, is madly in love with Bob, a crooked attorney. Bob can't bring himself to confess his love for Minnie, the pretty daughter of Simon, a safe cracker. In order to run away with her, Bob, one of the masterminds of a big-time robbery, betrays his friends. But Lyria, who has found out what is happening, makes Minnie fall into a deadly trap.
The Prettiest Sin in the World
Bébert / Albert Pignol
Zoé, a pretty penniless girl, decides on the advice of her neighbor to embark on gallantry. After a brief failure, she meets a young boy, Jacques Lebreton who is about to get married. After causing the failure of this arranged marriage, she will have to play the role of wife of Jacques with his family, until the arrival of the uncle from America.
Beware of Blondes
'Petit Louis'
Back from a stay in the Far East, a woman who knew the names of the chiefs of a drug ring is murdered. Georges Masse, the famous reporter, decides to investigate, accompanied by his faithful photographer P'tit Louis. He will come across some unappetizing characters like M. Dubois, a killer, Luigi Costelli, a dangerous trafficker and a beautiful but dubious lady, Suzanne Wilson. After being himself suspected, Masse will make the truth triumph.
Three Feet in a Bed
In spite of his failures as a peddler, Casimir guaranteed his fiance that this time the vacuum cleaners will work for good. But he's still unsuccessful until he go to the appartment of Paul-Andre, a painter who was engaged by correspondence to a rich south-American woman. That's exactly when she arrive armed with a gun infuriated after she had received a rupture letter from the man she had never seen. She mistakenly took Casimir as her painter lover. Casimir his ready to flee until he learned she owned many hotels, a thousand rooms in fact. "A thousand rooms, a thousand vacuum cleaners", he suddenly think.
Au p'tit zouave
Au p'tit Zouave, a café, sees a colorful clientele from working-class Paris. An assassin will shake up the daily life of the regulars.
Not Any Weekend for Our Love
The announcement of the future marriage of Franck Reno, the star singer, causes considerable excitement around the world.
Millionaires for One Day
Philippe Dubreuil, un journaliste
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
Rendezvous in July
Guillaume Rousseau
Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.
The Chocolate Girl
Raoul Pinglet, the chauffeur
Benjamine, the daughter of the chocolate maker Lapistole, has broken down in her car, spends a night at Paul Norman's, imposes herself casually and causes the break-up of the engagement of this peaceful civil servant with the daughter of his department head. A friend maintains contact between Paul and Benjamine, becomes the head of publicity at Lapistole and when Norman is dismissed through Benjamine's fault, brings his two friends closer and proves to them that they are made for each other.
Mission in Tangier
During the Second World War, Georges Masse undergoes a dangerous mission by taking secret documents from Tangiers to London.
Mission in Tangier
P'tit Louis, le photographe
During the Second World War, Georges Masse undergoes a dangerous mission by taking secret documents from Tangiers to London.
Three Boys, One Girl
Michel Dourville
A seemingly united family is suddenly shaken by the turmoil caused by the discovery of a letter from the father. He announces his intention to divorce. The children immediately mobilize to preserve the nest, they just manage to do so. The family building will be consolidated.
Emile the African
Daniel Cormier
Émile Boulard is a props man in a Paris movie studio. He has a wife, Suzanne. Or to be more accurate, let's say he HAD a wife since she left him fifteen years before, allegedly ... to go buy a post stamp. But now that their daughter Martine , who lives with her, is old enough to marry, she resurfaces. She confesses that, in order to explain his absence, she has told Martine her father was a great explorer and lion hunter in Africa. Not to disappoint his daughter, Émile accepts to pose as the adventurer he is supposed to be. At the same time he will help Daniel, Martine's bashful fiancé, not to become a henpecked husband like him.
Square of Knaves
Albert Furet
Summoned by his mother to plead, a very young lawyer has a trio of pathetic criminals acquitted. The daughter of one of them reveals to the lawyer that the three accomplices hoped to find food and board in prison. For the beautiful eyes of the young girl, Master of La Bastide attaches the three rogues to his service. Disasters, confusion, clumsiness follow one another until the planned wedding.
Silence Is Golden
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Loves, Delights and Organs
The head of a school in a little French country town encourages the playful romances between his young students, as well as a love of jazz music.
Driving Lesson
Micheline is a pretty girl but rich, spoiled and whimsical as well. Jacques, the brother of her friend Danielle, is so exasperated by her behavior that he decides to give her a chance to learn about good manners. To that effect, he kidnaps her and detains her in a hut on the edge of a wood. He starts "taming the shrew" but the situation soon gets out of control when criminals - real ones this time - abduct Micheline in earnest... and for ransom!
Las damas del bosque de Bolonia
Hélène tiene la desagradable impresión de que su amante, Jean, se le escapa. Mediante artimañas se entera, para su consternación, de que Jean ya no la ama. Herida, Hélène decide vengarse y pone en marcha un meticuloso plan. Organiza a Jean un encuentro con Agnès, una atractiva bailarina de cabaret a la que ha tomado bajo su protección. Como Hélène había previsto, el plan funciona perfectamente y Jean se enamora inmediatamente de la joven. Consciente de su difícil pasado, Agnès confiesa, en una carta escrita a Jean, que sólo es una chica perdida. Pero Jean se niega a leer la carta...
EL cielo nos pertenece
Pierre y Teresa comparten la misma pasión por la aviación. Con coraje y obstinación ellos sacrifican todo por el éxito de su empresa, batir el record mundial femenino de aviación de distancia en línea...
Angel of the Night
A young sculptor presides over the destinies of a student club where a miserable young girl ends up one evening. The treasurer of the association falls in love with the young girl who returns the favor. The war. The sculptor comes back blind. Out of gratitude, the young girl marries him and restores his confidence in his talent; out of discretion, the treasurer steps aside.
Los ángeles del pecado
Anne-Marie, una acaudalada joven, cree que ha encontrado su verdadera vocación al ingresar como novicia en un convento de monjas dominicas, que se dedica a la rehabilitación de mujeres delincuentes. La muchacha siente una extraña fascinación por Thérèse, acusada injustamente de homicidio, e intenta convencerla para que tome los hábitos y se arrepienta de sus pecados. Thérèse insiste en su inocencia, pero, cuando es puesta en libertad, asesina a balazos al autor del crimen por el que la encarcelaron y se refugia en el convento. Allí, no revela a nadie su secreto, mientras la investigación de la policía sigue su implacable curso.
Fou d'amour
Claude, who temporarily replaces his father at the head of a department store, falls in love at first sight with a pretty female customer. He finds out that she is named Solange and that she is the goddaughter of Professor Hauteclerc, who runs a private psychiatric hospital. To come closer to the girl of his dreams, Claude has a crazy idea: he pretends to be mad so as to be placed in Hauteclerc's institution.
L'auberge de l'abîme
At the end of the last century, in the Cévennes, a valiant officer was taken for a brigand. Brought to defend himself, he kills one of his attackers and seeks refuge in caves where he hides and from which he no longer dares to come out. The devotion of a doctor saves him and he marries the daughter of this one.
Boy from the village
Mademoiselle Bressac is a bossy spinster who manages "Le Clos", her estate, with an iron hand. But is she really a bad person? Her manners are abrupt but they only hide a heart of gold. Doesn't she bring up four orphans, Dominique, Fabien, Chantal and Jean? And as if it were not enough, she has accepted to educate another child, her niece Patricia, entrusted to her care by her irresponsible father. Thanks to her, the five young people have grown up in harmony and now they are about to find their place in society. Two of them, Jean and Patricia, who love each other, live only for the estate.
The Law of Spring
The children born from a first marriage of a widower and a widower who have remarried do not get along. Frequent quarrels break out in the household which finally finds calm thanks to the presence of a new little girl.
The Emigrant
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
La cité des lumières
The life of two students, Rodolphe and Madeleine. They love each other but he is rich and she has just lost her father and is forced to work in a nightclub. Rodolphe leaves her but quickly understands that he loves her and finds her.