Sergei Kalinin


You and Me
Makeup Artist
Two young talented neurosurgeons — Pyotr and Sasha — are enthusiastically working on a complex medical experiment. But in search of stability and a better life, Pyotr goes to work in Stockholm, Sasha becomes a major official. Pyotrr's overseas life does not add up, and he returns to Moscow. Realizing that his friend has a completely different life, Pyotr goes to Siberia, where he works on an ambulance. There he meets a girl with a brain disease, the study of which he had once been involved in, but did not finish the job. Feeling in vain of a lived, failed life, a sense of professional guilt in front of this sick girl, whom no one can help, torment him, and he again recalls his true destiny.
A Little Crane
Makeup Artist
Based on the novel of Mikhail Alekseyev "Bread — as a Noun." About the fate of a Russian woman who endured all the hardships of war and post-war life. After the war, those few who survived at the front returned to their native village. But Marfa's husband, whom she had been waiting for for so many years, would never return. Marfa, a beautiful and proud woman, remains true to her only love...
An Optimistic Tragedy
Makeup Artist
1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.
Adult Children
Makeup Artist
Anatoli Kuzmich retired and received a separate apartment in a new house. He and his wife are happy and make bright plans for the future: how they will go to theaters, museums, read their favorite books. But their daughter Lyusya suddenly gets married. Not wanting to part with her, Korolyovs persuade the young spouses to live with them in a new apartment. Soon a child is born, and gradually life together becomes unbearable...
Cielo despejado
Makeup Artist
El piloto aéreo Astakhov, héroe de la Unión Soviética durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, es hecho prisionero por las tropas alemanas. Cuando regresa a casa liberado al acabar la guerra, es expulsado del Partido Comunista, despedido de su trabajo y privado de todas sus condecoraciones. Lo consideran un traidor y espía. Durante años, no puede encontrar trabajo como piloto. Poco a poco, su decadencia se incrementa con el alcohol; pero su esposa, Sasha, luchará por él con la esperanza de que se haga justicia. (FILMAFFINITY)