Jim Backus

Jim Backus

Nacimiento : 1913-02-25, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1989-07-03


Jim Backus (1913–1989) was a radio, television, film, and voice actor. Among his most famous credits are The Alan Young Radio Show, I Married Joan, Gilligan's Island, and Rebel Without a Cause. He also starred on his own show The Jim Backus Show.


Jim Backus
Jim Backus


Tony Curtis: Driven to Stardom
Pat Quaid (archive footage)
Tony Curtis, the man who influenced Elvis Presley and James Dean. A sex symbol, a matinee idol, a powerful and magnetic actor, Tony Curtis was the original movie star.
Surviving Gilligan's Island
Himself (archive footage)
Prince Jack
A dramatic look at the inner workings of the Kennedy administration.
Slapstick (Of Another Kind)
President of the U.S.
Caleb Swain y su esposa Lutetia son una pareja de ricos catalogados por la prensa como los más guapos entre los guapos. Todo cambia cuando Lutetia da a luz a dos inmensos y deformes gemelos llamados Wilbur y Eliza. La pareja desconoce que en realidad los gemelos son un equipo de aliens implantados en el vientre de Lutetia para solucionar los problemas del mundo.
El viaje encantado
Una ardilla, Glikko, se hace amigo de una paloma mensajera llamado Pippo, quien le dice Glikko de un enorme bosque donde ardillas andan libres. Cautivado por la historia, Glikko sale de su casa en la ciudad y su hermana en busca del gran bosque Norte. En el camino se encuentra con otra ardilla llamado Nono, quien Glikko regañadientes permite que lo acompañara. En su viaje se enfrentan a peligros como los depredadores y el clima de invierno.
The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island
Thurston Howell III
The Harlem Globetrotters' chartered plane crash lands on the atoll inhabited by the happily marooned Gilligan and fellow castaways, and they all must play basketball against a specially programmed squad of robots controlled by a mad scientist.
There Goes The Bride
Mr. Perkins
A nervous ad executive creates havoc on his daughter's wedding day and becomes obsessed with a dream girl he keeps seeing everywhere but whom he can't catch.
The Gossip Columnist
Jim Backus
New Tinseltown gossip columnist Dina Moran helps faded movie star Georgia O'Hanlon dig up dirt on amoral characters.
Mr. Gibbs
A young man invents a robot dog that has super strength, x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed. A greedy businessman tries to steal the boy's invention from him.
The Rebels
John Hancock
Philip Kent (Andrew Stevens) toma parte en la revolución americana y en el recientemente formado congreso.
The Castaways on Gilligan's Island
Thurston Howell III
In the second of three additional Gilligan's Island movies following the series, the gang finds a way of getting rescued from the "uncharted desert isle" for a second time through a series of misadventures but comes back to turn it into a tropical resort for uptight mainlanders.
Angels' Brigade
Cmdr. Lindsey March
Six sexy women, and a teenage girl, devastate a right-wing militia before doing battle with ruthless drug pushers.
El rescate de la isla de Gilligan
Thurston Howell III
Los náufragos deben tratar de adaptarse a la vida en la civilización después de haber sido rescatados de la isla.
Los valientes visten de negro
Albert, the Doorman
El mayor John Booker mandaba un comando de élite que, durante la guerra de Vietnam, logró liberar a numerosos prisioneros. La reputación y la eficacia del comando era tal que el gobierno vietnamita llegó a exigir a los Estados Unidos, en el transcurso de unas negociaciones secretas de paz, la ejecución de sus integrantes. Años después, algunos miembros del gobierno estadounidense, temerosos de que aquel monstruoso tratado saliera a la luz, decidieron eliminar a los supervivientes del comando.
Have I Got a Christmas for You
Kevin Grady
Members of a town's Jewish community decide to substitute for their Christian friends and neighbors so they can enjoy Christmas. The good folk humorously attempt jobs they have never done before.
Pedro y el dragón Elliot
The Mayor
Pedro, un joven huérfano, huye a un pueblo de pescadores de Maine con su mejor amigo - un dragón entrañable, y a veces invisible llamado Elliott. Un amable farero (Mickey Rooney), y su hija Nora deciden alojarlos. Pero una broma de Elliott les mete en grandes problemas. Cuando unos vendedores sin escrúpulos tratan de capturar Elliott, Pedro debe intentar un audaz rescate.
Never Con a Killer
Stanley Bunch
Pilot to the short-lived TV series "The Feather and Father Gang" has Detective Feather Danton and her con-man father Harry teaming up to outwit Runyonesque horseplayer E.J. Valerian.
The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon
Dr. Flamel
Tired of being short, a sixth-grader buys a magical book that enables him to "Think Big".
Friday Foster
Enos Griffith
Friday Foster es una fotógrafa de una revista de moda que recibe el encargo de ir a cubrir la llegada de Blake Tarr, el hombre de color más rico del mundo. Cuando está bajando del avión es tiroteado y la cámara se convierte en testigo mudo de los hechos. Uno de los asaltantes logra escapar con vida, pero sabiendo que ha sido fotografiado, busca por todos los medios acabar con Friday. Al poco tiempo Clorils, una de sus mejores amigas, es asesinada en medio de un desfile de moda. La investigación, de la mano del detective Colt Hawkins, apunta al senador David Lee Hart, de Washington, por lo que deciden trasladarse allí, descubriendo que se trata de una conspiración para acabar con el poder de la gente de color en las altas esferas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tres mujeres peligrosas
Mr. Albertson
Jonathan Demme dirige esta alegre celebración kitsch de la América de los años 50: oportunidad, rock and roll, y la carretera. Él sigue a tres generaciones de mujeres y hombres que recogen, por una ola de crímenes, desde California hasta la casa de la familia en Arkansas.
Cop on the Beat
Jake Mandel
An aging street cop goes after a gang of toughs involved in several robbery-rapes on his beat in this pilot (a spin-off from "Police Story") for the 1975-76 series. The veteran cop concept also was the basis for "The Blue Knight" series at the same time — and that, too, was based on a Joseph Wambaugh creation. Also known as "The Return of Joe Forrester."
Goodnight Jackie
Mr. Landry
Wendell Burton is a guy who can't get over his ex-girlfriend, Lana Wood. He is caught up in a nutty crisis of trying to survive life without her!
Miracle on 34th Street
A department store Santa tries to convince a little girl who doesn't believe in Santa Claus that he is Santa Claus, and winds up going on trial to prove who he is.
The Girl Most Likely to...
Prof. David Tilson
An ugly girl undergoes plastic surgery and becomes beautiful. She then takes revenge on all the people who mistreated her when she was ugly.
Of Thee I Sing
Senator Robert F. Lyons
CBS' updated version of the classic Gershwin musical, cast largely with stars who were all appearing in then-current CBS television series.
Te veo y no te veo
Timothy Forsythe
Un rayo cae en el laboratorio de un colegio y el experimento que estaban realizando se convierte en un líquido capaz de volver invisibles a las personas u objetos. Gracias a esa fórmula, el decano podría ganar un premio científico que resuelva los problemas financieros del colegio. Sin embargo, un hombre avaro intenta robar la fórmula, para convertir la escuela en un parque de atracciones y ganar un montón de dinero.
Getting Away from It All
Mike Lorimar
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
Mooch Goes to Hollywood
A dog tries to become a canine star with the help of Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Mooch Goes to Hollywood
Jim Backus
A dog tries to become a canine star with the help of Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Myra Breckinridge
Myron Breckinridge vuela a Copenhague para someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo, convirtiéndose en la bella Myra. De vuelta a América, Myra acude a la escuela de interpretación de su tío Buck Loner, donde se hace pasar por su propia viuda y afirma que fue voluntad de Myron que ella recibiera la mitad de la escuela, es decir, 500.000 dólares; cuando Loner se niega, ella pide que le den un trabajo de profesora allí para mantenerse. Buck accede a regañadientes, al tiempo que inicia una investigación sobre la veracidad de las afirmaciones de Myra.
Los disparatados vaqueros de Calico County
Debido a una situación muy embarazosa, el herrero Charley ha decidido emigrar; sin embargo, nadie le ayuda porque es el único herrero del pueblo.
Wake Me When the War Is Over
During the latter days of WWII an American Lieutenant accidentally falls out of an airplane into German territory. He is taken in by a Baroness who becomes smitten with him and doesn't want him to leave, so she doesn't tell him that the war has ended...for five years!
Hello Down There
T.R. Hollister
Given the chance to live in a simulated underwater home for a month, a scientist convinces his family to take advantage of the offer. Once the family agrees to move in, underwater mayhem occurs!
Anoche cuando se apagó la luz
Tru-Blue Lou
Un corte de suministro eléctrico en Nueva York sirve de excusa argumental para esta comedia de enredo realizada a base de historias encadenadas que afectan a variopintos personajes.
Damn Yankees
Benny Van Buren
Joe Boyd, an aging Washington Senators fan, would sell his soul for the Senators to beat the New York Yankees and win the pennant. Enter Mr. Applegate, who offers to turn Boyd into Joe Hardy, a powerful young baseball player, in exchange for his soul. When Boyd agrees, he becomes Hardy and leads the Senators on a winning streak. When he starts to miss his wife, though, and questions the deal, Applegate sends temptress Lola into the mix.
La noche deseada
Carter Sillens
Terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Georgia, al igual que otros estados del Sur, empieza a recuperarse. El dueño de Riverside, una moderna compañía dedicada a la agricultura y a las conservas, ha comprado toda una región, excepto dos pequeños ranchos: el de Rad McDowell y el de Reeve Scott. Quienes sí están dispuestos a vender sus fincas, colindantes con las de Rad y Reeve, son Julie Ann y Henry Warren. Pero la compañía les impone una condición: deben convencer a los rancheros reacios a vender. Cuando Henry ve que sus gestiones fracasan, recurrirá a todo tipo de intrigas para presionar a Rad y a Reeve.
Howard G. Carol
Una joven atleta de 16 años se siente atrapada entre vencer a los chicos en los torneos del instituto y tener un novio, mientras su conservador padre se opone a los derechos de la mujer en su campaña para la alcaldía.
Un león en mi cama
El científico Daniel Potter intenta demostrar que hasta un león salvaje puede transformarse en un obediente animal doméstico. Lástima que la gente salga huyendo empavorecida cuando le ven con su mascota. Potter y Fluffy se esconden en un hotel, pero la hija del propietario se encariñará del improbable dúo.
John Goldfarb, Please Come Home!
During the Cold War, John Goldfarb crashes his spy plane in the Middle East and is taken prisoner by the local government. His captor, King Fawz, soon discovers that Goldfarb used to be a college football star. So he issues him an ultimatum: coach his country's football team, or Fawz will surrender him to the Russians. Goldfarb teams up with undercover reporter Jenny Ericson, and together they plot to escape their dangerous situation.
Rendezvous in Space
Moon (voice)
This documentary, the final film directed by Frank Capra, explores America's plans for the future of space exploration. It was produced by the Martin-Marietta Corporation for exhibition in the Hall of Science at the 1964 New York World's Fair.
Mr. Magoo, Man of Mystery
Mr. Magoo
Literary classics take a ribbing as the nearsighted bumbler portrays Dr. Watson, Dr. Frankenstein and other characters.
Camas separadas
Bullard Bear
Henry Tyroon (James Garner) ha conseguido amasar una fortuna gracias al negocio del petróleo y ahora regresa desde Texas a Nueva York con la intención de especular en la bolsa y hacerse aún más rico. La mujer que debe guiar sus pasos en el mercado bursátil es la analista Molly Thatcher (Lee Remick). Con ella compartirá algo más que sus asuntos profesionales.
Un domingo en Nueva York
Chief Pilot Drysdale
Eileen tiene 22 años y está prometida con Russ. Piensa que, a su edad, es la única chica virgen del planeta, y le confía sus preocupaciones a su hermano Adam, al que va a visitar a Nueva York. En la Gran Manzana Adam, pese a que es un Don Juan, intenta ocultárselo a su hermana, para mantenerla apartada de las tentaciones.
El mundo está loco, loco, loco
Tyler Fitzgerald
Un grupo de automovilistas viaja por un agreste paisaje del sur de California. De pronto, un coche les adelanta a gran velocidad pero, al tomar una curva, se precipita por un barranco. Los automovilistas se detienen e intentan ayudar a los ocupantes del vehículo siniestrado, pero llegan tarde, y el conductor moribundo confiesa que tiene escondido un botín de trescientos mil dólares en el parque de Santa Rosita.
Johnny Cool
Louis Murphy
A deported gangster trains an Italian convict to take over his operations in the U.S.
Elección crítica
Dr. William Von Hagedorn
Parker Ballantine es un conocido crítico teatral, famoso por sus ácidas y corrosivas opiniones, capaces de hundir cualquier estreno. Su mujer, Angela, escribe una obra de teatro y, para su propia sorpresa, un productor decide estrenarla. Parker se verá en la encrucijada de renunciar a hacer su trabajo o dar su verdadera y lamentable opinión acerca de la obra de su mujer.
Mis seis amores
Janice Courtney, estrella de Broadway, se siente agotada tras una intensa temporada de trabajo. Decide trasladarse a su soleada casa de Connecticut, donde conocerá a nuevos amigos y a un hombre del que se enamorará.
Operation Bikini
Bosun's Mate Ed Fennelly
The film takes place aboard an American submarine in the Pacific during World War II. The sub's commander is ordered to stop and pick up an underwater demolition team led by Lt. Hayes, whose mission is to locate and destroy a US submarine sunken in a lagoon off Bikini Atoll before the Japanese are able to raise it and capture the advanced radar system on board.
Ángeles sin paraíso
Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
Jean Hansen (Judy Garland) es profesora de música en un colegio infantil para deficientes mentales. Allí conoce a Reuben, un niño con problemas al que sus padres no visitan desde hace años. Jean lo colmará de atenciones y mimos a pesar de que el director del centro (Burt Lancaster) considera que su actitud es contraproducente.
Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol
Mr. Quincy Magoo / Ebenezer Scrooge (voice)
In this animated musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", Ebenezer Scrooge - via Mr. Magoo's starring performance in a stage production of the classic - doesn't have a ghost of a chance unless he learns the true meaning of Christmas from the three spirits who haunt him one Christmas Eve.
Prof. Horatio Kellgore
Jonathan Jones, a professor of ancient languages, comes into possession of an ancient coin. He translates its inscription, which gives him three powers: to inflict pain, slow down time or kill. Soon, he's pursued by enemy spies who have learned about the magic coin.
El maravilloso mundo de los hermanos Grimm
The King (segment "The Dancing Princess")
Biografía de los hermanos Grimm a través de la creación de su obra. Intercala escenificaciones de sus cuentos más célebres: "La princesa y el leñador", "El zapatero y los enanitos" y "El hueso cantor".
Una vez a la semana
Peter Bowers
Cuatro amigos, tres casados y uno soltero, mantienen a la misma amante. Ella es una estudiante que se hace pasar por prostituta para hacer una tesis sobre los hombres americanos. Los cuatro son hombres de negocios y le ponen un piso, pero los favores que le reclaman no son precisamente sexuales.
The Horizontal Lieutenant
Cmdr. Jeremiah Hammerslag
Director Richard Thorpe's 1962 military comedy stars Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss, Miyoshi Umeki, Jim Backus, Jack Carter, Marty Ingels, Charles McGraw and Argentina Brunetti.
Magoo Meets Frankenstein
Mr. Magoo
Mr Magoo goes to what he thinks is a hotel but it’s actually a mad scientist’s castle and he’s after a brain...
Imperio de titanes
Dave Husack
Rechazado por todos en su pueblo natal, un sargento de la I Guerra Mundial emigra a Alaska en busca de una oportunidad; no tarda en entablar amistad con un pescador, que lo admite en su tripulación....
Tom, Dick and Harriet
Long distance telephone calls save the day when Aunt Emily tries to sell the farm, and when Harriet tries to decide whose proposal to accept, Tom's or Dick's.
Magoo Meets Boing Boing (The Noise-Making Boy)
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo agrees to babysit Gerald McBoing Boing.
Mister Magoo: Las 1001 noches
Uncle Abdul Azziz Magoo (voice)
El más simpático cegatón que ha dado el mundo de los dibujos animados, se traslada al Oriente Medio para hacernos desternillarnos de risa con sus increíbles aventuras. A bordo de una alfombra voladora se reúne con su sobrino Aladdin, que está enamorado de la bella princesa Yasmina. Mr. Magoo prestará su colaboración en la empresa de conquistar tal belleza. La magia de oriente, genios, alfombras voladoras, tesoros y faquires se mezclan con nuestro héroe urbano, cuya ceguera lo convierte en una auténtica catástrofe con patas.
Todas las mujeres quieren casarse
Mr. Maxwell
Meg Wheeler llega a Manhattan en busca de empleo y de un buen marido. Encuentra trabajo en una empresa, de cuyo joven ejecutivo, Ross Taford, tiene que huir al tratarse de un empedernido acosador de jovencitas.
A Private's Affair
Jim Gordon
Luigi, Jerry, and Mike are in boot camp when they are presented with a chance to represent their unit in competition on a national television show. The three guys are up to the challenge, which begins a chain of unusual circumstances that not only have them singing and dancing at the proper times, but also running into a trio of alluring young women.
The Big Operator
Cliff Heldon
Un hombre se vuelve loco cuando unos agentes federales lo investigan.
Terror Faces Magoo
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo is watching a TV program named "Home Roam" which examines the homes of various families and subsequently learns that he and Waldo have been scheduled to air on tonight's broadcast. Magoo proceeds to show the cameramen the various rooms and exhibits of his house. Unfortunately, his publicity is threatened by a burglar and his trained gorilla who break into Magoo's house and attempt to rob it. Of course, Magoo doesn't notice the gorilla (he even mistakes it for Waldo) and reassures the cameramen that Waldo will be all right even if he does have "the manners of a gorilla".
Almas inocentes
Mr. Forbes
Rosalie es una chica que huye de su familia, porque su padre quiere venderla al primero que pase. Cuando conoce al ingenuo trampero Yanci Hawks, lo sigue hasta la ciudad. Allí se meten en un sinfín de líos hasta que Yanci se ve obligado a rescatarla del salón de baile.
Magoo's Lodge Brother
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Near-sighted Mr. Magoo is on his way to his lodger-convention and latches onto a robber, whom he thinks is his room-mate. He winds up in the den of the thief thinking he is in his convention hotel room. He proceeds to toss around in fun dynamite, hand-grenades and bombs until the crook is knocked out and captured by the police. Magoo becomes a hero.
Merry Minstrel Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo thinks he’s entering a talent show but ends up at a dentist.
Magoo’s Homecoming
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo ends up at the zoo instead of his college homecoming.
Bwana Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo and Waldo are on safari in Africa.
Gumshoe Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo obliviously foils a criminal’s robbery plans.
Love Comes to Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
A female con artist is after Magoo’s wealth.
Sheriff Jim Tyloe
After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given just five hours to find and rescue her.
Magoo’s Cruise
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo is mistaken for a foreign spy.
Magoo’s Three-Point Landing
Mr. Magoo / Air Traffic Controller / Sully (voice)
Magoo’s car breaks down on an airport runway.
The High Cost of Loving
Paul Mason
Middle-aged middle-manager Jim Fry, with the same company for fifteen years, is in a comfortable rut. But life becomes less predictable when he doesn't receive an invitation to an important luncheon being held by the new company president. Convinced that he's about to lose his job, Jim begins to mull over his limited prospects when his wife confirms that she's pregnant.
The Explosive Mr. Magoo
Mr Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo has a windup toy mistaken for a bomb.
Magoo's Young Manhood
Mr. Magoo (voice)
In a flashback Mr. Magoo thinks back in time to the Gay 90's when he was a young man, and just as myopic then as in the 1950s. He makes a bet with a friend that he can get a date with a star of the Broadway stage. It isn't long before Stage-Door Johnny Magoo winds up on stage in the play during a dinner scene, and performs rather well considering he was hearing the dialogue for the first time. Later, he is firmly convinced he had taken the Police Gazette beauty to dinner. No, her name wasn't Andre.
Magoo's Private War
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. McGoo takes his duties as an Air Raid Warden, in the civil-defense, cold-war/iron curtain days of the 1950s, seriously. When he stumbles across the premiere of a new science-fiction movie at a theatre, he thinks his town has just been invaded by outer-space aliens. He takes the on-screen activities as part of the attack and goes through all the civil-defense steps to save the audience.
Magoo's Moose Hunt
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Maggo tries to hunt a moose
El flautista de Hamelín
King's Emissary
Un flautista muy especial llega a la ciudad de Hamelín, que está sufriendo una terrible plaga de ratas... Adaptación televisiva del conocido poema de Robert Browning. Dirigido por un experto realizador de Broadway para la NBC, fue una de las primeras TV Movies (películas realizadas para la televisión) de la historia.
Eighteen and Anxious
Harvey Graham
A naive teenager gets pregnant and is forced to face the realities of life.
Rock Hound Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo somehow or another is a nugget-happy prospector out west. In addition to mistaking a gold rock for a rain cloud, he meets an old prospector and accuses him of claim-jumping. Together, they actually discover gold.
Magoo Saves the Bank
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo, on his way to make a bank deposit, boards a race-track bound bus instead. Mistaking the betting windows for tellerwindows, he keeps making and winning bets on long shots. The track finally tosses him out with his bag of winnings, which Magoo thinks was the result of compound interest growth.
Magoo's Masquerade
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo is on his way to take a French ballet star to a ball, but he makes a wrong turn and ends up escorting an ostrich, a zoo fugitive, in her place. A detective becomes suspicious, as well he might, when the ostrich becomes attached to some of the guest's jewels. Magoo finally takes his date home and he suspects that she would like for him to call again.
El hombre de las mil caras
Clarence Locan
La turbulenta vida y carrera profesional del actor de vodevil y estrella de terror del cine mudo Lon Chaney (1883-1930), el hombre de las mil caras; portador de muchas desgracias personales que ni siquiera su gran éxito pudo mitigar.
Magoo Breaks Par
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The nearsighted Mr. Magoo sets out for a round of golf but catches the prison paddy wagon instead of the city bus and winds up in prison breaking rocks. He complains to the warden, who he mistakes for the grounds keeper, about the conditions of the golf course, and the warden boots him out.
Matador Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo, further lost than usual, mistakes a bullring in Mexico for a highway in the United States, and his myopic wanderings through the arena cause much havoc, and draws very few cheers, especially from the bull.
Magoo Goes Overboard
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo and Waldo are on a cruise aboard an ocean liner when the near-sighted MaGoo accidentally falls into the ship's swimming pool and thinks he has fallen overboard. When he tries to rescue one of the swimmers, the ship's captain jumps in and rescues Magoo. The grateful---and talkative---MaGoo informs the ship's captain that he will inform the ship's captain of his good deed and, when last seen, MaGoo is heading in the direction of the swimming pool.
Intriga femenina
Col. Homer W. Gooch
Una famosa periodista, dueña del periódico, usa su publicación y sus encantos para hacer descarrilar la vertiginosa carrera de un general hacia Washington.
Meet Mother Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo brings in his mail opening up a flyer for a store's "83rd Anniversary Sale". Magoo thinks that the flyer is a letter from his mother about her "83rd birthday" and begins to worry that maybe he hasn't spent enough time with his mother lately. He goes to pay his mother a visit to make up for lost time but upon arriving, Mother Magoo doesn't quite appreciate Magoo's attempts at being helpful such as baking a feather duster thinking it to be a turkey dinner. So she uses psychology to eventually persuade him to go back home (at least until next year).
The Great Man
Nick Cellantano
Joe Harris, preparing a eulogy for popular radio commentator Herb Fuller, finds that nobody has a good word to say about him.
El sexo opuesto
Trata de Kay Hilliard (June Allyson), una antigua cantante de cabaret que descubre que su marido Steven (Leslie Nielsen) tiene un asunto con Crystal Allen (Joan Collins). Kay es la última en enterarse del grupo de novias. Kay viaja a Reno para divorciarse de Steve, que se casa con Crystal. Cuando Kay se entera de que Crystal no está siendo sincera con Steve, inicia una lucha para recuperar a su marido
You Can't Run Away from It
Ellen (June Allyson) es una rica heredera que, tratando de escapar de su padre (Charles Bickford), un hombre autoritario que no aprueba su matrimonio, atravesará el país para reunirse con el hombre que ama. Durante el viaje conocerá a un periodista (Jack Lemmon) que se presta a ayudarla, a cambio de la exclusiva de su interesante historia.
El hijo de mamá
Sgt. Hanna
Un joven de buena presencia, perteneciente a una pudiente familia y que no sabe nada de la vida, es llamado a filas. Superando el trauma inicial, ingresa en un campamento como recluta para recibir instrucción militar. Poco a poco irá reaccionando ante su nueva situación.
Magoo's Problem Child
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo returns from a trip and mistakes a ramshackle shack, near his home, for his palatial home. There, he finds evidence of all manner of crimes, ranging from murder down to counterfeiting, and jumps to the conclusion that his nephew Waldo is responsible. He gets Waldo and runs away seeking a hideout until he can straighten things out. Following Magoo's fugitive-directions, they wind up in the city jail.
Trailblazer Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The near-sighted one decides to take a hunting-and-fishing trip, and hires a Native American guide. He quickly grows impatient with the guide and takes over leading the way. He winds up in a big city and in a park lake, trail-blazing his way over park benches, statutes and through the zoo, releasing a lion along the way.
Magoo Beats the Heat
Mr. Magoo(voice)
Mr. Magoo, intent on going to the beach, winds up in the desert instead. Thinking himself to be at the beach, he tries fishing (he hooks a turtle which he mistakes for a crab) and swimming. Meanwhile, a desert wanderer and his horse are lost beyond hope when suddenly they lay eyes on Magoo's set up. Thinking the whole thing to be a mirage, they decide to make the best of it by devouring Magoo's picnic lunch and refreshments despite Magoo's protests. After the hearty meal, the man wants to thank Magoo before he "fades away" by giving him the only gold nugget he found while trekking the desert. Magoo thinks the gold is a sea-shell and plans to give it to Waldo to add to his collection!
La ambición del oro
Willis Haver
Afectado por la fiebre del oro un granjero de Indiana se dirige a California, abandonando a su mujer y a su hijo.
Calling Doctor Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
When Rodney, a friend of the nearsighted Mr. Magoo, goes to the hospital, Mr. Magoo decides to visit him and to take along some of his cure-all, homemade elixir. But he makes a wrong turn and ends up on a docked-ship visiting a stranger wearing a turban, thanking he is Rodney, and gives him some of the elixir. He returns home and gets a telephone call from Rodney who is waiting for his visit. He thinks Rodney is delirious and ventures forth for another visit carrying a giant-size bottle of his elixir.
Magoo Goes West
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo is depressed over the constant rainy weather. Well, actually, it isn't raining; he's just left the sprinkler running. Fed up, he plans to venture to California in search of sunny weather. Even though he never actually leaves town, the trip is a long one with Magoo driving through city parks and water fountains. Finally believing himself to be on the home stretch when going through a car wash, he is convinced he has finally made it to California when he crashes into a billboard advertisement for Florida.
¡Viva Las Vegas!
Tom Culdane
Dan Dailey, un ranchero que ha ido a jugar a un casino de Las Vegas (Nevada), acaba descubriendo que lo único que tiene que hacer para ganar a la ruleta es coger la mano a Cyd Charisse, una guapa bailarina del local.
Magoo's Canine Mutiny
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The nearsighted Mr. McGoo goes shopping for a dog as a pet, and enters the pet store just as it is being robbed by a crook wearing a fur coat. McGoo puts a leash on him and heads for home as the crook thinks this will afford him a safe escape. But a policeman puts the collar on the thief and takes him to jail. McGoo, still wanting a dog, goes shopping for a replacement but ends up in a record store. He exits dragging a s statue of a dog, the 'His Master's Voice' trademark of a record company
Campeón sin victoria
Pat Quaid
Un empleado de un colmado, ante el riesgo de perder a su padre por alcoholismo, y a su chica por la falta de perspectivas profesionales, decide entrar en el mundo del boxeo.
Magoo Makes News
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo misreads a newspaper flyer thinking it is a letter from his power company saying they are shutting off his power. Outraged, Magoo heads for the power company intent on giving them a piece of his mind. However, instead of going to the power company, he goes to a newspaper printing officer by mistake getting tangled up in the machinery all the while thinking he is being given "the bum's rush". He returns to his house with the power back on thinking he has won. But the next day, he doesn't like the paper's editorial and heads to the newspaper office wanting to give them a piece of his mind!
Rebelde sin causa
Frank Stark
Tres jóvenes, Jim Stark, Judy y Platón, coinciden en una comisaría. Cada uno está allí por un motivo distinto: Jim está borracho, Judy se ha escapado de su casa y Platón acababa de matar a tiros a unos cachorros. El inspector Ray descubre que los tres mantienen una relación conflictiva con sus familias. A Jim y a Judy los van a recoger sus padres, pero Platón, hijo de una pareja divorciada, tiene que conformarse con la visita de la criada negra que vive con él.
Francis en la marina
E.T. Hutch
Una vez terminada la guerra, la mula Francis está apunto de ser subastada como excedente. Por otro lado, Peter es confundido por otro hombre y acusado de todas sus fechorías...
Madcap Magoo
Mr. Magoo
Expecting a visit from his practical joker friend Smiley, Mr. Magoo instead entertains an escaped mental patient.
Magoo Express
Mr. Magoo
Foreign-flavored intrigue abounds when Mr. Magoo is mistaken for a fellow spy aboard a European train.
Destination Magoo
The title of this short is a play on the title of the feature film Destination Moon (which itself has an animated sequence made by Walter Lantz and starring Woody Woodpecker) and once again Magoo and his myopia take an adventure, hand in hand, off to the "Moon". The life that man leads!
Destination Magoo
Mr. Magoo (voice)
The title of this short is a play on the title of the feature film Destination Moon (which itself has an animated sequence made by Walter Lantz and starring Woody Woodpecker) and once again Magoo and his myopia take an adventure, hand in hand, off to the "Moon". The life that man leads!
Profundamente en mi corazón
Ben Judson
Una película biográfica sobre el autor y compositor musical Sigmund Romberg, el cual ha escrito obras como 'The Student Prince', 'The Desert Song' y 'The New Moon', entre otras. El título 'Deep in my Heart, Dear' proviene de la canción 'The student Prince' y la componen artistas y cantantes de todas las producciones de MGM. Entre las que se encuentran Cyd Charisse, Rosemary Clooney, Vic Damone y otros muchos más. Un repaso a la vida y obra de uno de los mayores y mejor valorados compositores musicales del cine. Muchas de las películas que hoy podemos ver tienen entre sus bandas sonoras algunas de sus temas.
Jason Ambrose
Music manager Janey Edwards poses as a co-ed to get the rights to a song from one of the professors.
When Magoo Flew
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo sets off to go to the movies but goes to an airport by mistake and gets on a plane thinking it to be a theater. Little does Magoo know the man he is sitting next to is actually a thief and when a detective appears on the plane to track the thief down, Magoo thinks it's all part of the movie. After doing some wing walking, Magoo reenters the plane and exposes the thief to the detective. When the plane lands, Magoo remarks that they should have shown a cartoon particularly one with that "delightful near sighted fellow".
I Love Melvin
Melvin Hoover, fotógrafo de la revista Look, accidentalmente se cruza en el parque con una joven actriz llamada Judy LeRoy. Melvin le ofrece hacer una sesión de fotos. Sin embargo, su jefe no tiene interés en usarlas. Melvin quiere casarse con Judy, pero el padre de ella prefiere que se case con el insulso Harry Black. Como último recurso, Melvin le promete a Judy que saldrá en la portada del siguiente número de Look, aunque lograrlo no le resultará nada sencillo.
El gran secreto
Gen. Curtis E. LeMay
Paul Tibbets, piloto del bombardero Enola Gay, fue la persona que lanzó la bomba atómica sobre Hiroshima. Era la primera vez que se hacían pruebas de esta magnitud.
Cara de ángel
District Attorney Judson
Frank Jessup es un enfermero de urgencias que acude a una mansión para atender a la señora Tremayne que, según parece, ha intentado suicidarse. Sin embargo él sospecha que en realidad alguien ha intentado asesinarla. Allí conoce también a Diane, la hijastra de la señora Tremayne, una joven delicada, sensual y un tanto inestable, ante la que cae rendido inmediatamente.
Androcles y el león
Androcles es un cristiano que sigue las enseñanzas de la religión incluso con el trato hacia los animales. Viendo a un león con dolor, le elimina una gran espina de la pata; esto hace que se hagan amigos. Tiempo después, Androcles y otros cristianos son detenidos y condenados a morir en la arena comidos por los leones. Era demasiado esperar que uno de los leones pudiera tener una pata que había sanado recientemente y ¿podría recordar quien le ayudó a sanarla?
Hotsy Footsy
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Magoo's at a Rutgers alumni dance and winds up squaring off with a pro wrestler at the arena across the alley, thinking he's dancing with the wife of an old friend.
The Rose Bowl Story
Michael "Iron Mike" Burke
The newly crowned Rose Bowl Princess and a tough but tender football player find the California Rose Bowl is an area for their budding romance.
Niebla en el alma
Peter Jones
Ella es una bella mujer que dedica su tiempo a cuidar a los hijos de los demás. Un día, un atractivo huésped aparece en el hotel buscando un refugio donde curar sus heridas de amor. Entre ambos surge una atracción mutua, pero muy pronto él comenzará a sospechar que ella oculta algo... ¿Qué misterio hay tras la chica de la habitación 809?
La impetuosa
Charles Barry
Una atleta y un mánager deportivo son los protagonistas de esta comedia romántica con partidos de tenis, golf y mucha química.
El cuarto poder
Jim Cleary
Cuando el 'New York Day' está a punto de ser vendido por sus propietarios, Ed Hutcheson, el editor del periódico, decide sacar a la luz los turbios negocios de un importante jefe mafioso.
Here Come the Nelsons
Joe Randolph
Ozzie Nelson lucha por conseguir un contrato publicitario, pero su mente está en otra parte al creer que su mujer Harriet está teniendo una aventura. Mientras tanto, sus dos hijos se mezclan nada menos que con gángsters... La familia Nelson, muy popular en Norteamérica en su programa de radio, en su primera aparición en la gran pantalla.
No quiero decirte adiós
Harvey Landrum
En una pequeña población del Este de los Estados Unidos, viven dos hermanos que trabajan en la empresa de construcción de su padre. Cuando estalla la Guerra de Corea (1950-1953), ambos son reclutados por el ejército, lo que provoca la desesperación de la novia del primero y la esposa del segundo.
Grizzly Golfer
Mr. Magoo
Magoo goes golfing in an unbearable way. When Magoo and Waldo go to play golf, they wind up in the middle of a bear hunt. Magoo mistakes a grizzly bear for Waldo and proceeds to make the bear caddy for him. The bear continually gets clobbered by clubs, balls, you name it. Meanwhile, Waldo is nowhere to be found, and the hunters are closing in. Just as Magoo is playing the last hole, the hunters open fire (seeing the bear), and everyone runs away: Magoo, the bear and Waldo.
Te veré en mis sueños
Sam Harris
Historia del escritor de canciones Gus Kahn (Danny Thomas), centrada en la relación del compositor y su mujer Grace (Doris Day).
The Man with a Cloak
En 1848, la joven francesa Madeline Minot viaja a Nueva York para ver al abuelo de su prometido. Le encuentra en una situación poco menos que desesperada, viviendo en una gran mansión y siendo controlado por una cruel ama de llaves que pretende asesinarle para quedarse con su fortuna. Desamparada, la joven Madeline recibe la ayuda de un misterioso individuo llamado Dupin.
Fuddy Duddy Buddy
Mr. Magoo (voice)
Mr. Magoo has mistaken a walrus for a human friend and various sight gags are shown in typical Magoo fashion.
Iron Man
Max Watkins
En Pennsylvania, el boxeador Coke Mason (Jeff Chandler) es un tipo agradable fuera del ring que se convierte en un verdadero vendaval de ira cuando está encima de la lona. Para los aficionado él es el "hombre que amas odiar", pero esta situación llega al punto de que hasta el amor de su novia es puesto a prueba... Quizá sólo la oposición de un tal O'Keefe (Rock Hudson) pueda enderezar el rumbo perdido del protagonista.
Las fronteras del crimen
Myron Winton
Dan Milner, un jugador sin oficio ni beneficio, recibe de un misterioso caballero una substanciosa oferta (50.000 dólares). A cambio tendrá que trasladarse a Morros Lodge, un hermoso centro turístico mexicano, alojarse en un bungalow y esperar la llegada de alguien que le dará instrucciones. Sin embargo, antes de llegar a su destino, Dan conoce a la atractiva Leonore Brent...
Nuevo amanecer
Bill Grayson
En el norte de África, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al Sargento Larry Nevins lo alcanza una bala, disparada por un francotirador alemán, que lo está dejando ciego.
Hollywood Story
Mitch Davis
A producer takes over a small film studio and - sensing that it'll be a good movie- begins investigating an old murder of a silent film director shot in his office years ago. He finds that his life is threatened as he digs deeper into the mystery.
Milton the Cat
Mickey se lleva a Pluto de vacaciones al campamento Utopía.
Half Angel
Michael Hogan
Nurse Nora Gilpin plans are to marry building contractor Tim McCarey and settle down. But one night a sleepwalking Nora slips into a provocative dress and goes to the home of startled lawyer John Raymond, for whom she doesn't care much during the day. She does not reveal her name and he cannot figure out where they have met, but they spend several hours together until she gets away before John notices.
Barefaced Flatfoot
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo interprets his nephew's request for $100 as evidence of an unfolding mystery.
The Mayor
Un criminal cuyas víctimas son niños es perseguido incansablemente por la policía, pero también por el mundo del hampa. Remake de la impresionante película de Fritz Lang de 1931
Bungled Bungalow
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo's house is towed-away by thieves.
Emergency Wedding
Ed Hamley
Dr. Helen Hunt is a physician married to millionaire Peter Judson Kirk Jr., who is jealous his wife is spending too much time with her male patients. He makes a fool of himself trying to prove her guilt.
The Killer That Stalked New York
Willie Dennis (uncredited)
Una pareja -Evelyn Keyes y Charles Korvin- que contrabandea diamantes de Cuba a Nueva York, trae también un misterioso cargamento: viruela. La mujer, insospechadamente enferma, debe sortear el seguimiento de un agente del tesoro, así que se oculta en el hotel de su hermana -Lola Albright-. Cuando cae enferma, acude a un doctor -William Bishop-, quien piensa que sufre de un resfriado. Pero cuando una niña que también estaba en la oficina, muere repentinamente de viruela, la verdadera situación surge a la luz. La alerta cunde entre las fuerzas del orden, que tratan de atrapar a la persona que puede estar diseminando la infección sobre la gran ciudad.
Trouble Indemnity
Mr. Magoo (voice)
An insurance salesman enters Magoo's house hoping to make a sale. Magoo refuses but the salesman is eventually able to sell Magoo some by posing as one of Magoo's old college chums. Magoo is now worth a hefty sum and is ready to collect after being bitten by a dog (actually a tiger rug) but, instead of going to the insurance building, enters a building under construction next door to it. The salesman and his boss notice Magoo walking around the steel skeleton of the building and realizing, "If he falls, the company falls", they rush over making several attempts to save Magoo's life and keep him from endangering himself.
Customs Agent
Shanghai Chief Agent Thomas Jacoby
An undercover agent tracks a medicine black market from China to California.
Spellbound Hound
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo invites a friend to his lakeside cabin, unaware that a bloodhound has pursued an escaped convict to that isolated location.
Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town
Joseph 'Little Joe' Rogers
When Pa wins a jingle-writing contest, he and Ma head for New York City. They they get in trouble with gangsters when they lose some stolen money which they had already agreed to deliver to one of the thugs.
A Dangerous Profession
Police Lt. Nick Ferrone / Narrator (as James Backus)
A cop-turned-bail bondsman gets involved in a murder investigation.
The Great Lover
La Sureté Francesa y el detective privado Higgins, están detrás de un asesino que utiliza inocentes jóvenes estadounidenses en un negocio de juegos deshonestos, y que se embarca en un trasatlántico, que también lleva a un inepto monitor de boy-scouts, Freddie Hunter y su tropa de muchachos. Freddie, que ha sido un boy-scout demasiado tiempo, se enamora de la hermosa duquesa Alejandría. Los chicos, que están mejor organizados que Freddie, están determinados a salvarlo de sí mismo. Pero, ¿quién va a salvar a Freddie de ser la próxima víctima del asesino?
Vida fácil
Dr. Franklin
Un famoso jugador de fútbol americano descubre que padece una enfermedad del corazón que le impedirá llevar una vida normal. (FILMAFFINITY)
Papá fue un defensa
Professor Sullivan
Un equipo universitario de fútbol americano pasa por una pésima racha. Su entrenador, hace lo posible por cambiar la situación, pero no lo consigue hasta que recibe la ayuda de un extraordinario futbolista.
Ragtime Bear
Mr. Magoo (voice)
At the Hodge Podge Lodge, a crotchety, near-sighted Mister Magoo takes a banjo-playing bear to be his nephew, Waldo.
One Last Fling
Howard Pritchard
Una esposa celosa decide trabajar para su marido con el fin de tenerle vigilado.
A-Lad-in His Lamp
Smokey the Genie
Bugs Bunny finds and rubs Aladdin's lamp and decides to follow the genie to Baghdad, where they battle Mad Man Hassan.
Where Will You Hide?
Bold animated drawings and a dramatic soundtrack provide background for narrators who argue that World War III is looming and, as such, world civilization is in danger. They contend that peace is our only alternative, an alternative we must all work towards.
Magic Carpet
George Benson
A young student living in Rome gets a job as a tour guide and falls in love with a young stowaway who is being sought by the police.