Antonia Santibañez


A puerta cerrada
Art Direction
Francisco (21) lleva una acomodada vida hasta que descubre que su hermano Tomás (26) ha sido acusado por abuso sexual a través de redes sociales. La familia decide bajar el perfil de la situación, pero a medida que se acerca el cumpleaños de Tomás, Francisco se enfrenta a una situación entre guardar silencio o tomar una posición en contra.
La sorpresa
Art Direction
Antonia is celebrating her daughter Colomba’s birthday at her sister Angélica’s house when she hears that her father is on his way there. Antonia tries to avoid it, attempting to convince her sister to uninvite him due to a lawsuit against the man, yet Angélica insists on defending him. Between candles, candy, gift bags, and a piñata; Antonia ends up confessing a secret that she’d been keeping for years.
Variable y  fugaz
Art Direction
Francisca and Sofía, an open couple, meet Anaís, a young Turkish woman, with whom they establish a beautiful friendship that makes them question their own relationship.