Ignacio Sekul


Date una vuelta en el aire
Graphic Designer
A school boy who excels in math but loves art; a fetishistic businessman; and a compulsive car cleaner whose hobby is to write plays, are attracted, as a siren song, to a large house made into a cultural center. There, a woman, who seems to be a fortune-teller, urges them to look for a centennial tree planted over an ancient indigenous ceremonials site.
La promesa del retorno
Graphic Designer
An unhappy art student feels deeply disturbed and is unable to sleep. One morning, she hears the trumpeting of an eagle that seems to herald unusual times, which is further materialized with the finding of a copy of The inmaculate conception, the book by Paul Eluard and André Breton, in her apartment's incinerator.
Un fuego lejano
Graphic Designer
Vísperas de Navidad, ciudad de Rancagua. Una mujer deja su auto abandonado en el estacionamiento de Natacha y Germán y no vuelve a buscarlo. Desata entonces una serie de conflictos familiares que terminarán con un cambio de planes para las fiestas.
El tipo que se quebró las uñas (por querer agarrar un corazón dibujado en el pavimento)
Graphic Designer
A cold,husband has his marriage on the verge of failure. One day he will begin an affair with an eccentric and impulsive woman who will awaken the sensitive and affected man who slept in him. But this new attitude of his will make his wife believe that he is interested in her again, reliving the relationship. Thus, when the situation becomes untenable, the husband must make a difficult decision between moving forward with his recovered marriage or go along with a vertiginous romance that could make him a better person.
Graphic Designer
Aurora suffers from an obsessive disorder with cleanliness, which prevents him from touching people. Everything changes when he meets Manuel, who falls in love with the prolixity of his dress. Aurora must face her disorder to achieve a loving approach. Leaving behind his obsessions.