Serge Krizman


Serge Krizman


Cracked Up
Art Direction
17-year-old track star, John Owens, has never used any drug stronger than pot, until he meets an older woman who introduces him to crack cocaine. He quickly becomes addicted but is able to hide his problem from all except his best friend, Chris.
Art Direction
A crazed killer stalks the cast of a television soap-opera.
The Pride of Jesse Hallam
Art Direction
Jesse Hallum sells the family farm to see that his daughter receives the medical care she needs at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The big city challenges him, though, especially when his illiteracy is exposed.
Mirror, Mirror
Production Design
A wealthy widow, a restless housewife, and a former model seek to reshape themselves through cosmetic surgery to please the men in their lives.
Bud and Lou
Art Direction
They were the greatest partners that ever partnered, partner. No, I haven’t lost the ability to write, I’m simply repeating the word repeated ad nauseam in the 1978 television biopic, Bud and Lou. I avoided watching/reviewing this for a while, predominately because I know absolutely nothing about Abbott and Costello, and the duo, embodied by Buddy Hackett and Harvey Korman, instilled a belief this was a cheapo TV movie….which it is. Bud and Lou plays as if the screenwriter read a Sparknotes write-up about the duo and thought it was too long. On top of it all, the characters are bipolar in temperament and horribly miscast. For a movie about two comedians, the only humor derived is in the belief this television movie was a good idea. Bud Abbott (Korman) and Lou Costello (Hackett) struggle to rise up the burlesque ranks, eventually becoming successful comedic actors. However, various problems complicate their fame.
Año 1999: El fin del mundo
Art Direction
AKA El último día del mundo. Un alienígena toma la forma de un sacerdote (Christopher Lee) para estudiar un ataque a la Tierra junto al resto de su séquito extraterrestre, en los cuerpos de un grupo de monjas de un retirado convento.
Art Direction
Zero Mostel plays an inspector on the trail of criminals who have captured a robot called Chatze(sp?) played by Felix Silas. The inspector has delusions that he is a great Samurai warrior and the movie flashes back and forth between present day and ancient times.
The Big Bounce
Production Design
A Vietnam veteran and ex-con is persuaded by a shady woman to rob a $50,000 payroll account on a California produce farm. But who is playing who?
Batman: La película
Art Direction
Adaptación a la gran pantalla del popular cómic de Bob Kane, que ese mismo año y con los mismos protagonistas conocía una exitosa versión en formato de serie de televisión que duraría dos años en la pequeña pantalla. Batman y Robin se enfrentan a un grupo de criminales entre los que se encuentran sus eternos rivales Joker y El Pingüino, quienes se han apoderado de un sofisticado artilugio para dominar el mundo.
Promesas, promesas
Art Direction
Después de una borrachera en un crucero, dos mujeres descubren que están embarazadas, y se disponen a encontrar a los padres de los niños.
El gabinete del doctor Caligari
Production Design
Sentado en un banco de un parque, Francis anima a su compañero Alan para que vayan a Holstenwall, una ciudad del norte de Alemania, a ver el espectáculo ambulante del doctor Caligari. Un empleado municipal que le niega al doctor el permiso para actuar, aparece asesinado al día siguiente. Francis y Alan acuden a ver al doctor Caligari y a Cesare, su ayudante sonámbulo, que le anuncia a Alan su porvenir: vivirá hasta el amanecer.
Police Dog Story
Art Direction
After exhaustive training, a police dog joins an arson investigation.
The Walking Target
Art Direction
An ex-con finds unexpected romance with the widow of his former accomplice as he tries to collect his hidden loot.
Cage of Evil
Art Direction
While investigating a diamond heist, disgruntled cop Harper falls for Holly, the top suspect's main squeeze. When she convinces him to kill her boyfriend and make off with her and the loot, they start down a treacherous path full of dark surprises.
Porgy y Bess
Art Direction
En 1912, en un pueblo de pescadores de Carolina del Sur, Bess (Dorothy Dandridge), una mujer con mala reputación, trata de librarse de Crown, su amante (Brock Peters). La única persona dispuesta a pasar por alto su pasado es Porgy (Sidney Poitier), un tullido. Pero su relación se ve amenazada por la desaprobación de la gente y por el retorno de Crown. Basada en la ópera homónima del compositor George Gershwin, cuyo libreto es obra de Ira Gershwin y DuBose Heyward. (FILMAFFINITY)
El sheriff de Dodge City
Art Direction
Tras matar a un hombre en defensa propia, Bat Masterson huye de la ciudad y se establece en Dodge City, donde su hermano es sheriff. Una noche, en un tiroteo, su hermano resulta muerto. A continuación Bat es elegido nuevo sheriff de la ciudad.
Corazones solitarios
Art Direction
Con ganas de conseguir una posición periodística, Adam White se va a trabajar como columnista de un periódico que da consejos. Su editor, Shrike, se dedica a intimidar a su esposa alcohólica, Florence, por su pasado adultero. Y en asignar a sus empleados trabajos periodísticos para los cuales tienen poca aptitud o interés. Shrike incita a Adam a encontrarse con una de sus corresponsales, Fay Doyle, una mujer llorosa y auto compasiva ...
Los intimidadores
Art Direction
Un veterano de la Guerra de Corea descubre que su empresa de relaciones públicas en Washington ha sido tomada por infiltrados comunistas.
Labios sellados
Art Direction
El coronel William Edwards, del Ejército de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, está a punto de finalizar los interrogatorios a las personas implicadas en un supuesto caso de traición y colaboracionismo durante la guerra de Corea.
Ride The High Iron
Art Direction
A recent war veteran accepts a job in public relations, but he becomes increasingly unhappy with his career choice. Originally filmed for TV but released theatrically.
Crimen en las calles
Art Direction
El trabajador social intenta hacerse amigo de la pandilla de los barrios marginales.
The Unlighted Road
Art Direction
Young Jeff Latham stops at a roadside diner and ends up working there. After meeting a nice local girl, everything seems to be going his way. Things get complicated when he unwittingly gets involved with criminals working out of the diner.
The Star of Bethlehem
Art Direction
James Mason and his wife Pamela read sections from the bible that lead up to the birth of Jesus. James Mason then visits his daughter in bed and their discussion leads into an enactment of the Nativity starring a cast of children.
The General's Boots
Art Direction
A martinet of a general, one of his former officers, and a middle aged plane passenger find themselves in a liferaft with only one canteen of water.
The Glass Wall
Art Direction
Peter, un desplazado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, salta de un buque en el puerto de Nueva York cuando es deportado. Su intención es encontrar a un ex soldado llamado Tom a quien ayudó durante la guerra y poder demostrar su entrada legal en los Estados Unidos.
Song of My Heart
The portrait of Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky focuses on his failed love affair.
La campana de la libertad
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el comandante Joppolo es destinado con su unidad a una población italiana para que se encargue de tomar posiciones. A pesar de su misión, poco a poco terminará implicándose en la vida de ese pueblo siciliano.