Diane Blaine has the face of a movie star. Unfortunately, fallen star/tabloid queen Jamie Stephens already made it famous. Hollywoods constant rejection due to what Diane refers to as "TJS" ("Too Jamie Stephens") has made her bitter, frustrated....and, yes, whiny. Co-worker/boyfriend Jack Sanders doesn't help matters. His idea of ambition is letting it ride. Now he's in major debt to a trigger-happy mobster who, interestingly enough, has a thing for Jamie Stephens. Jack's only way out? Convince Diane to be Jamie and wipe out the debt having one meal with a made man. It's literally the performance of her life. With Jack's on the line.
Bus Passenger
Casi un año después del brutal asesinato de una joven del pueblo, aún sin resolver, aparece un muchacho desnudo cubierto de sangre a las puertas de la oficina del sheriff de Shallow Valley. Gotas de sangre fresca siguen goteando de un misterioso cuchillo que el muchacho sujeta firmemente en su mano. El mismo cuchillo que Jack intentó arrebatar de las manos del asesino de la joven hace ahora doce meses