Dennis Christopher
Nacimiento : 1955-12-02, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Dennis Christopher (Filadelfia, Pensilvania, 2 de diciembre de 1955) es un actor estadounidense. Conocido por interpretar a Dave Stoller en Breaking Away y Fade to Black.
Interpretó otros papeles, tanto en el cine -Chariots of Fire-, como en televisión -Profiler, It, Jake Speed y Deadwood-. Ha aparecido en casi cuarenta películas desde 1975. Participó en dos episodios de Star Trek, «The Search» y «Detained», y en tres episodios de Ángel como Cyvus Vail.
En 1989, interpretó a Nathan Flowers en A Sinful Life. En 1985, interpretó al personaje Damon en la película The Falling. En 2006, interpretó al Dr. Martin Ruber en The Lost Room.
Descripción anterior del artículo de Wikipedia Dennis Christopher, con licencia CC-BY-SA 3.0 ES, lista completa de colaboradores en Wikipedia.
Since first donning a tattered fedora and a glove of eviscerating blades in 1984, Robert Englund has become one of our generation's most beloved horror icons. Englund has risen to stand shoulder to shoulder in the pantheon of movie legends alongside such greats as Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. His portrayal of Freddy Krueger is without doubt a moment as visceral to the horror genre as Chaney's werewolf or Karloff's ground-breaking realisation of Frankenstein's monster. Yet few realise the depths of England's true power as a character actor away from the latex mask and iconic red and green jumper. A classically trained actor and talented director, Englund has starred in many well-received movies in the years since Freddy's cinematic birth as well as directing his own feature film.
Treinta años después de su estreno en televisión, la primera adaptación oficial de It forma parte ya del imaginario popular. La miniserie dirigida por Tommy Lee Wallace presentó en sociedad a Pennywise, una de las creaciones más terroríficas de Stephen King. Este documental repasa la creación y el legado de la miniserie con abundantes imágenes inéditas y con la presencia de Tim Curry, el mismísimo Pennywise.
M2M's first original long-form documentary, Battle at Versailles, follows an event in 1973 at Palace of Versailles where top French designers such as Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin faced of against American newcomers Oscar de la Renta, Bill Blass, Anne Klein and Halston. That pitted France’s best designers against the best America had to offer. It was the first time the fashion world's gaze was fixated on American design.
Mr. Jones (uncredited)
Keller Dover se enfrenta a la peor de las pesadillas: Anna, su hija de seis años, ha desaparecido con su amiga Joy y, a medida que pasa el tiempo, el pánico lo va dominando. Desesperado, decide ocuparse personalmente del asunto. Pero, ¿hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar para averiguar el paradero de su hija?
Leonide Moguy
Dos años antes de estallar la Guerra Civil (1861-1865), Schultz, un cazarrecompensas alemán que le sigue la pista a unos asesinos, le promete al esclavo Django dejarlo en libertad si le ayuda a atraparlos. Terminado con éxito el trabajo, Django prefiere seguir al lado del alemán y ayudarle a capturar a los delincuentes más buscados del Sur. Se convierte así en un experto cazador de recompensas, pero su único objetivo es rescatar a su esposa Broomhilda, a la que perdió por culpa del tráfico de esclavos. La búsqueda llevará a Django y a Schultz hasta Calvin Candie, el malvado propietario de la plantación "Candyland". La presencia de ambos en los alrededores de la propiedad, despierta las sospechas de Stephen, el esclavo de confianza de Candie.
In an era known for protests and sit-ins, the 1973 Grand Divertissement at Versailles, made a statement of its own - a fashion statement. The legendary event pitting the five lions of French couture Givenchy, Dior, Ungaro, Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin with five American designers Halston, Oscar de la Renta, Anne Klein, Stephen Burrows and Bill Blass created a cross-stitch of change across fashion, race, business and catwalks. When African American models Bethann Hardison, Pat Cleveland, Alva Chinn, Billie Blair, Norma Jean Darden, Barbara Jackson, Jennifer Brice, Romana Saunders and Amina Warsuma boarded the plane to Paris, they had no idea they would help change the course of fashion and pull off its biggest coup. Versailles '73: American Runway Revolution tells this story
Called "The American Bowie," "The True Fairy of Rock & Roll" and "Hype of the Year," Jobriath's reign as the first openly gay rock star was brief and over by 1975. Now, 35 years later, "Jobriath A.D." spotlights his life, music, groundbreaking influence and the new generations of fans slowly re-discovering him.
Odin Johannessen
An electronic ankle bracelet and being under house arrest aren't about to stop up-and-coming actress Maggie Chase (Tanna Frederick) from the two things she craves the most: real fame and true love. With more "Google points" than her Iowa hometown, but far less than Angelina Jolie, Maggie is desperate to claw her way off the B-list of action/adventure pictures and into major movie stardom.
Making of 'The Lost Room'
Samantha, una programadora informática, es secuestrada junto a su hija por un grupo de mafiosos para que acceda al programa de protección de testigos y desvele la identidad de uno de ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lust and dysfuntion come full circle in this collection of nine steamy scenes exploring gay life, sex, addition, drugs and HIV/AIDS as revealed by a latino pool boy, a television writer, a meth dealer and others. As one affair leads into another, the connections betwen the characters reveal the secrets each one holds.
Joshua 'Carrots' Beale
Arvella Whipple acaba de enviudar y se marcha con sus tres hijos hacia California durante la fiebre del oro. Al llegar al pequeño pueblo de Lucky Diggins, luchará por sacar adelante a la familia pese a que su hija de trece años no ve con buenos ojos ese lugar salvaje. Pero en la muchacha se comienza a producir un cambio de carácter que le hará cambiar de nombre e interesarse en hacer felices a los habitantes de su nuevo hogar.
The life of legendary actor Anthony Perkins is recounted by friends and family, colleagues and co-stars, revealing the man underneath Norman Bates.
Jim Norton
Tras superar un ataque al corazón, Peter Crane, un famoso periodista ganador del premio Pulitzer, decide abandonar la ajetreada vida de Nueva York y mudarse con su mujer y su hijo a un tranquilo pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra. Sin embargo, la calma dura poco: un día se presenta en su casa pidiendo ayuda una mujer que afirma que su hijo ha sido injustamente detenido por asesinato. Peter se interesa por el caso y averigua que la víctima era novio del acusado. Tras visitar al chico en la cárcel, llega a la conclusión de que es inocente y de que, en cambio, los habitantes del pueblo tienen mucho que ocultar; de hecho, a medida que Peter va atando cabos, los vecinos, al principio muy amables, se muestran cada vez más hostiles con él y con su familia.
Un senador es asesinado por una organización relacionada con los ovnis. Rafferty, un agente secreto, deberá descubrir la verdad.
Jack Allen
Nick Stark acaba de conocer la noticia de que tiene perdida la batalla contra el virus del sida y decide afrontar su próxima muerte con dignidad. En vez de derrumbarse, decide acabar su vida tal y como la vivió, pletórico de alegría y vitalidad, rodeado de su familia y amigos, que le acompañarán en una última fiesta de dos días de duración. (FILMAFFINITY)
A serial killer's trail of dead bodies leads to the haunting past of two brothers and one woman's love for both men. The fact this features some fairly well known actors (one of whom died in 1997), yet took at least seven years to release, probably isn't a hallmark of high quality.
Pruitt Taylor Beauchamp
En California, cientos de abejas asesinas atrapan en su casa a una pareja (Robert Hays, Nancy Stafford) y a sus tres niños.
Victor Varenkov
There have been two mysterious plane crashes in only 48 hours. The aircraft suddenly lose control and crash, killing everyone aboard. A woman of Russian descent, Francesca Zaborszin, the daughter of a slain Federal investigator, claims responsibility for the crashes. She believes her father was killed by the FBI as part of a cover-up operation and wishes to avenge his death by threatening to down more aircraft using the same electromagnetic pulse method. She also intends to crash a stolen military jet into the White House. There's no time to ground the planes: just enough time to try to stop her.
Mr. Reese (The Disco Years)
Each of the three short films in this collection presents a young gay man at the threshold of adulthood. In "Pool Days," Justin is a 17-year old Bethesda lad, hired as the evening life guard at a fitness center. In the course of the summer, he realizes and embraces that he's gay. In "A Friend of Dorothy," Winston arrives from upstate for his freshman year at NYU. He has to figure out, with some help from Anne, a hometown friend, how to build a social life as a young gay man in the city. In "The Disco Years," Tom looks back on 1978, the year in high school that he came out of the closet after one joyful and several painful encounters
In the backdrop of Earths polluted future a female FBI agent removes Danner, a pleasure android from an asylum in order to coerce him into helping her hunt down the criminal psychopath Plughead. But Plughead who has tangled with Danner before has his own plans as he is forcing a female scientist to help him manufacture life extending longevity chips which he intends to sell to rich and powerful clients.
Mr. Reese
Tom Peters looks back to 1978, the year in high school that he came out of the closet. Tom's mom is both sweet and intrusive, urging him to take out girls. She also drags him to her disco-dancing lessons. His friendship with Matt becomes his first love, and then Matt turns on Tom with homophobic venom. Later, Matt and Matt's new girlfriend trash the classroom of an effeminate teacher with more vicious homophobia. At first, Tom joins in heaping scorn on the teacher, then he has to decide if it isn't time to open the closet door. A crisis of sorts ensues with his mom, and disco proves to be a balm.
Dale Porkel
H.P. Lovecraft, el conocido escritor de terror, busca a comienzos de los años 30 el libro Necronomicón. Lo encuentra custiodado por monjes en una biblioteca y copia varias historias de él, que se desarrollan ante los ojos del espectador y los suyos.
Doctor Heller
Una joven intenta convencer a las autoridades de que está siendo perseguida por una homicida que es fiel copia de ella.
Wally Roberts
A luxury home, a handsome husband and terrific children. But it all comes crashing down when she is accused of being a mastermind behind a brutal triple-homicide and is arrested and handcuffed in front of her own children. A gripping story of passion and betrayal as a woman fights to clear her name and avoid the death penalty for a crime she didn't commit.
A private detective is hired to catch a serial killer who makes immigrant garment workers his victims.
In a future where most humans have moved underground to escape the pollution, one of the few pleasures left is a kind of narcotic in the form of chips which can be plugged directly into the brain. Lori, a female body guard steals a case of such chips and flees underground Los Angeles with Danner, a pleasure android so that they can smuggle the chips to New York. In pursuit is Plughead, a dangerous criminal so named because of the many sockets and ports which decorate his scalp so that he can test and use the chips that he is after.
Nathan Flowers
A former 'Sonny and Cher' dancer tries to pull her life together when social services threaten to take her daughter away from her.
John is a legal assistant who is looking forward to marriage to his fiancee Sally, but his daydream is interrupted when a model plane crashes through his window. Following the plane is a family of six who invade his life and apartment.
Desmond Floyd
Jake Speed (Wayne Crawford) is the lead character in some of the biggest page-turners of the 1940s. A chiseled, heroic action figure, Speed saves lives on paper, but when a young girl is kidnapped and her sister (Karen Kopins) begs the real-life Speed for help, he must find a way to be as gallant as the book hero whose creation he's inspired. Accompanied by the victim's sibling, Speed flies to Africa to see if he's up to the task.
Drama starring Karen Black, Betsy Blair and Dennis Christopher
Tres adolescentes y un científico luchan contra unos microbios extraterrestres que anidan dentro de los seres humanos y los convierten en monstruos truculentos.
Imaginative and creative Jack seeks adventure while trying to provide for himself and his mother. Will he ever solve the mystery of how his father died?
Brian Anderson
During the Vietnam War, Brian Anderson, a young Army medic, is stationed in Saigon. Initially apathetic and self-serving, he eventually has his heart won over by the children at a nearby orphanage where he does volunteer work. At first, a doctor named Katherine Cross has to persuade him to help the children. But soon, Brian willingly puts his career and safety on the line to provide the orphans with the food and medical supplies they need.
Charles Paddock
En Gran Bretaña, 1920. Harold Abrahams y Eric Lidell estaban hechos para correr. No sólo una razón les llevaba a correr más rápido que ningún otro hombre, sus motivos eran tan diferentes como sus pasados. Cada uno tenía su propio Dios, sus propias creencias y su propio empuje hacia el triunfo. Dos jóvenes corredores de diferentes clases sociales que se entrenan con un mismo objetivo: competir en las Olimpiadas de París de 1924.
Eric Binford
Eric Binford sufrió las burlas de todos quienes le rodeaban. Amante del cine, se sumerge en los sueños y fantasías de los personajes y estrellas de las películas. Pero su mente perturbada por tanta humillación, le hace cometer crímenes inspirados todos ellos en personajes de sus amadas películas...
Dave Stoller
Cyril, Moocher, Mike y Dave son cuatro amigos de Bloomington, una pequeña ciudad de Indiana, que se encuentran en la encrucijada de sus vidas, esa etapa entre la adolescencia y la edad adulta en la que las dudas sobre el futuro no dejan pensar. La obsesión de Dave son las bicicletas, y esa afición le llevará a participar en una carrera que cambiará su vida y la de sus amigos.
Young T.T. comes from Chicago to spend the summer in California. He slowly becomes "California-ized," while learning about love and life in the Golden State.
Nick Adams
El Rey, Elvis Presley, va a reaparecer en Las Vegas... Antes del concierto, en un hotel de ciudad, a Elvis le vuelven recuerdos de su pasado, de su rebelde juventud, de sus primeros días en Menphis, su escalada a la fama y a la fortuna y, sobre todo, recuerda a su verdadero amor, Priscilla.
Ben Travis
Danny Travis, un irlandés que ha pasado casi toda su vida en Estados Unidos, es un excéntrico inventor, autodidacta y muy ingenioso. Su apartamento, que le sirve de casa y taller, está amenazado por una orden de desahucio. Una compañia inmobiliaria ha comprado el inmueble y va a demoler el edificio. Danny se erige en representante de los demás vecinos y trata de reunir suficiente dinero para evitar que la orden del juzgado se ejecute.
Hughie Brenner
Altman regresa a la exitosa fórmula de Nashville, usando un amplio y conocido reparto para una comedia dramática de diferentes historias y argumentos que componen un retrato de la América actual.
A young Southerner loses his grip on reality when his favorite movie star James Dean suddenly dies in a car crash.
Soda Delivery Boy (uncredited)
Pinky Rose (Sissy Spacek), una joven e ingenua enfermera oriunda del Sur, llega a una polvorienta población de California para trabajar en una residencia de ancianos. Una vez allí, toma enseguida como modelo a Millie Lammoreaux (Shelley Duvall), una joven sofisticada adicta a las revistas de moda. Millie busca una compañera de piso, y Pinky se va a vivir con ella.
Bernice, a shy young woman, leaves her safe home to go visit her flapper cousin. When her cousin tries to teach Bernice how to be much more modern, Bernice gives her much more than she bargained for.
The Hippie (uncredited)
Durante la construcción del metro de Roma, las excavaciones dejan al descubierto una vieja casa llena de pinturas murales al fresco. Una de ellas representa a una vieja dama de la aristocracia romana, que organiza en su casa unos desfiles de moda muy originales. La película recorre las casas de tolerancia de la época y los espectáculos de la noche romana. Poco después, es Fellini quien recuerda sus años de escolar, entre latines que evocaban a Julio César y Nerón.
Spunky and precocious high school senior Mindy Evans spurns her decent, but frustrated boyfriend Bill and has a fling with hunky married nice guy teacher Jack Thompson. Midy finds out that she might be pregnant. While waiting for the results of her pregnancy test, Mindy decides to alleviate the tension by embarking on an impromptu road trip to Big Sur, California with her loyal best gal pal Sandy.
Los cuerpos de una prostituta, Edna Masters, y su amante aparecen vilmente descuartizados por el hacha de un misterioso asesino. A consecuencia de este horrible suceso, Ellie, hija de Edna, es enviada a un orfanato. Allí las cosas transcurren con normalidad, hasta que Ellie abre un gigantesco congelador que contiene numerosos cadaveres de jóvenes. Sus sospechas coinciden con las del detective Calvin, quien le confiesa haber sido amante, también de su madre y que sólo por esta razón buscará al culpable, aunque sienta algo especial por ella...
Kevin is wandering through the confused haze that most college students pass through at one time or another: lectures that make little - if any - sense, pranks by the fraternities and sororities, deep yet meaningless discussions on philosophy with ones friends. Through all of this, Kevin passes in and out of a dream-like fantasy world, in which he and his friends sail the ship 'Queen of Sheba' to a variety of islands, with natives both friendly and hostile.