Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea


El cuádruple
Basado en las antiguas creencias animistas y rituales chamánicos en Mongolia y Siberia, una exploración de la cosmovisión y la sabiduría indígenas. En el contexto de la crisis existencial moderna y el rápido cambio ambiental inducido por el hombre, existe la necesidad de recuperar las ideas del animismo para la salud planetaria.
After a job goes wrong, a woman flees to her hometown in southern Colombia. Along the way she encounters a mysterious figure, which might be the embodied spirit of an ancient plant. A non-linear video installation uses experimental animation to tell a story about psychotropic plants, crime and Colombian society.
After a job goes wrong, a woman flees to her hometown in southern Colombia. Along the way she encounters a mysterious figure, which might be the embodied spirit of an ancient plant. A non-linear video installation uses experimental animation to tell a story about psychotropic plants, crime and Colombian society.