Everyday Apocalypse is a new short film made by four local young people, developed in collaboration with artist Kimberley O’Neill, exploring our shared experiences of lockdown. Over a three week period in August, the group met via Zoom to share stories and develop the film. Through a series of online workshops, the young people were introduced to lo-fi mobile-phone filmmaking techniques and used writing exercises to generate ideas—expanding their personal quarantine anecdotes into subjects and locations for the film.
Cuando el eminente astrofísco Premio Nobel, el Dr. Austin Shepard (Peter Fonda) descubre que unas manchas solares son las precursoras del fin del mundo, decide abandonar el observatorio y huir a un sitio desconocido. Su huida levantará las sospechas de sus jefes -que mandarán a su mejor hombre, Christopher Richardson (Luke Perry) a investigar-, de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional y de una intrépida periodista.