Raffaella Cuviello


The King's Man: La primera misión
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Cuando un grupo formado por los tiranos y las mentes criminales más malvadas de la historia se une para desencadenar una guerra que matará a millones de personas, un hombre tendrá que luchar a contrarreloj para detenerlos. Tercera entrega de la saga 'Kingsman', ambientada muchos años antes de las anteriores y explicando el origen de la agencia.
Sin tiempo para morir
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James Bond se encuentra disfrutando de unas merecidas vacaciones en Jamaica. Sin embargo, su paz termina cuando su amigo de la CIA, Felix Leiter, lo busca para una nueva misión que implica rescatar a un importante científico que ha sido secuestrado.
Aspirante vedovo
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A ne'er-do-well who's married to a millionnaire realizes his financial trouble might be solved if his wife was dead - and sets out a plot to achieve just that. A remake of Dino Risi's "il vedovo".
Set Decoration
The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.
The Soul Keeper
Assistant Set Decoration
Zurich, 1905. 19-year-old Russian Sabina Spielrein is put by her parents in a psychiatric hospital, suffering from a severe form of hysteria and refusing to eat. A compassionate doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and, for the first time, experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher Sigmund Freud. Thus is born a sweeping story of love and passion, of body and soul, soaring to the utmost heights, but also plunging to the darkest depths of the 20th century.