Awaiting Trial is a documentary that follows the lives of 3 people held unjustly by the Nigerian Police - some disappeared or died. It explores this unique blend of injustice and inequity that led to the global #EndSARs protests. But this story is not just about those systemic injustices; it is about the lives, families and communities that they have destroyed - and continue to destroy.
La familia Beecroft está lista para gastar toda la herencia de Chief Daddy, pero no si el CEO de su empresa tiene algo que ver con eso.
Four men have stopped robbing the rich to give to the poor and now are focusing on running their businesses.
Tras su exitoso programa de Nochevieja de 2017, el artista nigeriano Falz presenta una mezcla de película y concierto donde interpreta a varios personajes.
Tras su exitoso programa de Nochevieja de 2017, el artista nigeriano Falz presenta una mezcla de película y concierto donde interpreta a varios personajes.