Charles Frend

Charles Frend


Charles Frend


The Sky Bike
Competition between rival inventors endeavouring to win a prize for the first flight by a man-powered flying machine.
Duelo en el mar
En 1941 un submarino italiano trató de burlar el bloqueo aliado y cruzar el estrecho de Gibraltar. Seriamente dañado por el ataque de un navío inglés, tiene que fondear en Tanger y convivir con sus enemigos.
Girl on Approval
Sheila's fourteen. Her father abandoned her as a baby, her mum's in jail and she's stuck in a children's home. Every family that's tried to look after her has found her too difficult. Now Anne and John Howland want to foster Sheila. But if they can't make a home for her, her future looks bleak.
Cone of Silence
A seasoned pilot is condemned for an error which causes a crash. The pilot later dies in a crash with similar circumstances and an examiner looks for scientific reasons for the crashes.
Barnacle Bill
El protagonista, aunque desciende de una antigua familia de navegantes, le tiene pánico al mar; esa es la razón por la que decide transformar el viejo barco que ha heredado en hotel y centro de recreo.
The Long Arm
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Lease of Life
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Mar cruel
Aventuras de un buque escolta de convoy británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Al comienzo de la guerra al Capitán de Corbeta Ericson se le asigna el buque HMS Compass Rose con oficiales sin experiencia y hombres que acaban de salir de la formación militar. Tendrán que enfrentarse al mar invernal y a los temibles submarinos alemanes
The Magnet
A classic Ealing comedy in which a young boy steals a magnet and becomes a hero.
A Run for Your Money
Two Welsh coal-mining brothers win a trip to London to claim a monetary prize. They are supposed to meet a newspaper reporter who will be their escort. Instead, the brothers are launched into an adventure with some London riff-raff. It is up to the reporter to look out for the brothers, and what a job it turns out to be!
A Run for Your Money
Two Welsh coal-mining brothers win a trip to London to claim a monetary prize. They are supposed to meet a newspaper reporter who will be their escort. Instead, the brothers are launched into an adventure with some London riff-raff. It is up to the reporter to look out for the brothers, and what a job it turns out to be!
Scott en la Antártida
Historia del explorador Robert Falcon Scott y su intento de ser el primero en llegar al Polo Sur.
The Loves of Joanna Godden
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.
Johnny Frenchman
The fisherman from a Cornish village have a friendly rivalry with the fishermen (and one formidable woman) from a French port. Then war comes and they must all rethink their petty differences.
The Return of the Vikings
British war documentary
The Return of the Vikings
British war documentary
San Demetrio London
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
San Demetrio London
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
Somewhere In France
Based on the true story of Melbourne Johns, an aircraft factory foreman sent to France to prevent the Nazis getting hold of some vital equipment.
The Big Blockade
Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.
Major Barbara
Idealistic young Barbara is the daughter of rich weapons manufacturer Andrew Undershaft. She rebels against her estranged father by joining the Salvation Army. Wooed by professor-turned-preacher Adolphus Cusins, Barbara eventually grows disillusioned with her causes and begins to see things from her father's perspective.
The Lion Has Wings
This early, influential propaganda film blends documentary and studio footage to show the valiant efforts of the Royal Air Force to defend the British people against the Nazis.
Adiós, Mr. Chips
La historia se desarrolla entre mediados del siglo XIX y la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). A la escuela de Brookfield llega un joven y tímido profesor que dedica toda su vida a enseñar a varias generaciones de alumnos.
La ciudadela
Andrew Manson, un joven médico que consigue su primer empleo en una población minera de Gales, se entrega al cuidado de trabajadores enfermos y gentes oprimidas. Las circunstancias, sin embargo, acabarán poniendo a pruebo sus principios morales.
Un yanqui en Oxford
Lee Sheridan, un joven americano viene a estudiar a la Universidad de Oxford, pero desde el primer momento cae mal al resto de estudiantes, por su actitud descarada. Tras varios encontronazos con los profesores y la mujer del librero local, se convertirá en un héroe cuando se una al equipo de remo, para batir al eterno enemigo: la Universidad de Cambridge.
Inocencia y juventud
Robert Tisdall encuentra en la playa el cuerpo sin vida de una joven. Corre en busca de ayuda, pero dos muchachas lo ven y, creyendo que es el asesino, lo denuncian a la policía. Robert se ve obligado a huir, a pesar de su inocencia. En su desesperado intento de probar que no es el culpable, sólo contará con la ayuda de una chica.
Karl Anton Verloc y su esposa poseen un pequeño cine en un tranquilo suburbio de Londres donde viven aparentemente felices. Pero la Sra. Verloc no sabe que su marido tiene un secreto que afectará a su relación y amenazará la vida de su hermano adolescente.
The Conquest of the Air
Narrator (voice)
This early docudrama uses dramatic re-enactment, working models of early flying machines, and archival footage to trace man's attempts to fly from ancient times through the 1930's.
East Meets West
The story of an Eastern sultan who is inordinately proud of his son. The young man bids fair to break his father's heart by conducting an affair with the wife of a notorious criminal.
El agente secreto
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundual, a tres agentes secretos ingleses se les asigna la misión de asesinar a un misterioso espía alemán. A dos de ellos se les planteará el conflicto entre el deber de cumplir la misión y sus conciencias.
Oh, Daddy!
Member of a village Purity League branch find things much livelier on a trip to London.
Car of Dreams
Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...
My Song for You
In this opera-oriented musical, Riccardo Gatti, an Italian young tenor in Venice, meets a young woman who sneaks into the opera house to try and get her fiancé hired as the orchestra's pianist.
Vals de Viena
Johan Strauss es obligado por su padre a abandonar la música. Se enamora de una chica y escribe un vals para una rica condesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Arms and the Man
Which soldier will the naive, impressionable Raina choose to love - the unromantic, hard-nosed, tough Bluntschli, or the handsome, dashing, reckless (and extremely stupid) Sergius?