Damla Serim


10 días de un mal hombre
Un detective privado destrozado debe abrirse paso a través de una maraña de mentiras para resolver un asesinato ocurrido en una mansión.
10 días de un buen hombre
Un abogado convertido en detective privado acepta investigar el caso de una persona desaparecida sin saber que la búsqueda cambiará su vida para siempre.
9,75 Santimetrekare
During his military service in 1990's Southeast Turkey, Ahmet experiences something that will haunt him for the rest of his life. In 2013, when the chaotic days of Gezi Park protests in Istanbul start, Ahmet learns he has a brain tumor. Just as the lines between truth and fiction, the dream and the reality start to get blurred for him, he meets Serap; the love of his life. But time is ticking and his painful past weighs down on him every day, suffocating him with the same question: Who is the child that plays hide and seek with him?