During the First World War, the crooks Scholef and Krumka sell weapons on the black market. After the collapse of the monarchy they try their hand at speculation on a grand scale.
Guardsman Karel
1945, Checoslovaquia. Después de la II Guerra Mundial, se producen masivos movimientos migratorios que alteran el mapa étnico de Europa de forma irreversible. Viktor forma parte del grupo de checos a los que les han sido adjudicadas en los Sudetes tierras pertenecientes a alemanes que, antes de ser expulsados, se ven obligados a trabajar para los checos recién llegados. De este modo, Viktor conoce a Adelheid Heinemann, la hija del dueño del palacete que ahora es de su propiedad. En un mundo devastado por las diferencias étnicas y la violencia nacerá entre ellos un amor surgido del dolor más profundo.
Five Girls Around the Neck, in 1967, set out to explore that critical age of adolescence when a person's character is formed for good or evil. Schorm examined a girl's problems of being giving too much. She tries to buy the goodwill of her less fortunate friends; her intentions are pure, but in the difficulty of communicating she learns envy and deceit, and must decide if she will submit to double dealing or steel her life against self-deception and mediocrity. In addition to the relationship between the girl and her friends, Schorm introduces a teenage romance and the broader relationship between the girl's parents - neatly tied together with segments of Weber's opera "Der Freischütz". He reveals himself as a skilled psychological director with a wide range of knowledge about people.