A young couple puzzles their way out of the first relationship crisis.
La historia de amor de Arturs, de dieciséis años, se ve interrumpida por la Primera Guerra Mundial. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, encuentra cierto consuelo al unirse al ejército, porque esta es la primera vez que se permiten batallones nacionales en el Imperio Ruso. Pero la guerra no se parece en nada a lo que Arturs imaginó: no hay gloria, no hay justicia. Es brutal y doloroso. Arturs está ahora completamente solo mientras la guerra acaba con la vida de su padre y su hermano. Además, no se avanza en la pronta resolución prometida de la guerra y el regreso oportuno a casa. Con la idea de que solo él se preocupa por regresar a casa y que su tierra natal es solo un patio de recreo para otras naciones, Arturs encuentra la fuerza para la batalla final y finalmente regresa a casa para comenzar todo desde cero, al igual que su país recién nacido.
Director of Photography
When the world was younger, ships, explorers and merchants carried not only foreign goods, but also stories. Those stories drew a map of the world and taught people that there are broader horizons beyond their own fences. Baltic amber has always been valued as the Gold of the North, so two young Latvians set out on the ancient amber trade route from the Baltic coast to the south of India to learn how this Stone of the Sun has changed the world we live in.
Director of Photography
A tragicomedy about the actions of four youths during the 10th Latvian parliamentary elections, and in the 100 days afterwards. Each represents a different political party and set of beliefs. In a time when Latvia is dominated by political nihilism, this film explores the political ideals of young people and their motivation to work towards a better future for their nation – through their hopes, work, victories and disillusionment.
Director of Photography
He lives and works in a world that contains only him, or so he thinks. Each day is spent exactly in the same way, stamping boxes, not asking where they come from or where they go. But an unexpected guest’s sudden arrival leads to a dangerous discovery – perhaps outside of his small world there is something more?
He lives and works in a world that contains only him, or so he thinks. Each day is spent exactly in the same way, stamping boxes, not asking where they come from or where they go. But an unexpected guest’s sudden arrival leads to a dangerous discovery – perhaps outside of his small world there is something more?