

Un auditor es enviado a un banco en el norte de Nueva York y descubre un flujo de dinero sospechoso de una galería que vende pinturas de un millón de dólares. El agente se verá envuelto en una conspiración en la que los agentes del FBI, la mafia rusa y el blanqueo de dinero son los protagonistas absolutos.
Un joven investigador privado en Los Ángeles traza la línea entre el peligro y la angustia mientras trata de ayudar a una mujer a cometer un fraude para obtener el dinero que necesita para ayudar a su madre enferma.
Forgetting Sandy Glass
A story of three brothers and their dysfunctional family unfolds once eldest brother, Sandy Glass, is released from prison after an eight year sentence. Middle brother Michael is forced to work three jobs in order to put a roof over his younger brother Tommy and his girlfriend Stephanie's heads. Sandy is greeted with open arms from Tommy, who idolizes him, but Michael is rather worried than happy. Sandy has put Michael through hell and back after their mother's death and has done nothing to support the family, leaving Michael with nothing but resentment towards him.