Marc Freyens


Les Poings serrés
Key Grip
The Order of Time
Key Grip
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
Krapatchouk, al este del desdén
Prajevitza es un lugar pequeño, agradable, aunque con mucho paro. Dos emigrantes de esta república del Este intentan regresar a casa y descubren con horror que su país no aparece en los mapas de los ferrocarriles franceses. Ahí arranca el enredo cómico de esta simpática parábola sobre la Europa de las nacionalidades.
God's Spy
Key Grip