Una extraña masa que emana de la tierra es descubierta por un par de mineros. Lo prueban y deciden comercializarlo al comprobar su buen sabor. Su fama se va extendiendo, y numerosa gente lo consume, pero esta masa controla los cerebros de los que la comen... volviéndoles zombis.
This film is a scrambled narrative that illustrates, in soap opera fashion, life of artists in Lower Manhattan and at the same time dramatizes questions about the nature of filmic representation. Split decision is a boxing term used when the judges divide their votes in finding a winner. In this case the fight is between the two heroes of the film who are seen intermittently in a bar, negotiating a pick-up, and at home, breaking up in a domestic quarrel. The fight is also in the telling, between modes of conventional representation and modes of radical representation - between conventional continuity editing, and abstraction created through computer generated grids. The film features an appearance by Carolee Schneemann and digital imaging from before the era of personal computers.