Marco Girnth

Marco Girnth

Nacimiento : 1970-02-10, Düsseldorf - Germany


Marco Girnth


Der vierte Mann
Jan Maybach
A kidnapped musician and his missing violin are the prelude to a series of murders whose victims were deeply involved in business connections between the GDR and Austria. The investigators of SOKO Vienna and Leipzig are working together.
Marie räumt auf
Niklas von Schermann
SOKO: Der Prozess
Jan Maybach
El misterio de los Maya
David Voss
David Voss y Philip Harmsdorf son dos mensajeros especializados en las entregas exprés de paquetes por el mundo. Al llegar a México se enteran del secuestro de Janina, hija de una ex-novia de David.
El informe Golgota
Dr. Gregor Gropius
Gregor Gropius, cirujano de prestigio, realiza un trasplante de hígado a Schlesinger, un arqueólogo que había hecho un descubrimiento en Jerusalén que demostraba que Jesús de Nazaret había sido una persona corriente.
London. Liebe, Taubenschlag 2
Tom Gerland
Man liebt sich immer zweimal
Nikolaus 'Nick' Klüver
Amenaza en el abismo
Una serie de extraños incidentes está azotando una localidad cercana a una mina. Nina Thiemann, geóloga, ha descubierto que los túneles son muy inseguros, por lo que junto con un experto en explosiones y un minero retirado desciende al interior de la tierra con el fin de prevenir más catástrofes.
Wie verführ' ich meinen Ehemann
War ich gut?
Vier Meerjungfrauen II - Liebe à la carte
Der Mann, den Frauen wollen
Ein Mann für den 13ten
Alex Seyfried
Trenck - Zwei Herzen gegen die Krone
von Rochow
Prussian general's son Friedrich, Freiherr (German baron) von der Trenck, is an unruly student whose countless affairs make him enemies, but he wins every duel. Frederic II the Great recruits him for his personal bodyguard. During his cadet training under the cruel stickler Graf (count) von Jaschinsky Friedrich falls in love with the king's headstrong oldest sister Amalia. She, however, refuses to be married off the the Swedish king's heir. When Prussia makes war on Austria over Silesia, Trenck's loyalty is dubious on account of an Austrian family branch. Janischky eagerly convinces the king there is more.
Wen küsst die Braut?
Liebe ist die halbe Miete
Simon Naumann
Franziska Naumann happily greets her allegedly new neighbor Dr. Gottfried Naumann. She is very surprised when he wants to move into the same apartment in which just the movers carry their furniture. Even Gottfried is surprised - Franziska has not only the same name as he, but apparently also rented the same apartment. Without compromising, the quarreled estate agents Beate and Werner Wüstholtz has rented the apartment twice. There is only one solution: until the circumstances are clarified, the unequal couple must live together in the apartment. The fight burns.
Hamburg - Stadt in Angst
Im Fegefeuer der Lust
Philipp Behrmann