Visual Effects
Una mirada a los efectos del cambio climático en nuestro entorno y cómo la sociedad puede prevenirlos, incluyendo la salvación de especies en peligros de extinción. Producido por Martin Scorsese y Leonardo DiCaprio, que además entrevista a numerosas personalidades y sirve de narrador, la filmación de "Before The Flood" se prolongó durante tres años y el guión lo firma Mark Monroe, responsable del aclamado documental "The Cove"
As we go through our day to day life, do we default to our natural setting of thinking that every little inconvenience is only happening to us? Or do we choose to acknowledge that we are in fact not the center of the world. That some of the people around us might be going through a struggle much harder than our own. David Foster Wallace explores this choice in This is Water.
Graphic Designer
As we go through our day to day life, do we default to our natural setting of thinking that every little inconvenience is only happening to us? Or do we choose to acknowledge that we are in fact not the center of the world. That some of the people around us might be going through a struggle much harder than our own. David Foster Wallace explores this choice in This is Water.
As we go through our day to day life, do we default to our natural setting of thinking that every little inconvenience is only happening to us? Or do we choose to acknowledge that we are in fact not the center of the world. That some of the people around us might be going through a struggle much harder than our own. David Foster Wallace explores this choice in This is Water.
As we go through our day to day life, do we default to our natural setting of thinking that every little inconvenience is only happening to us? Or do we choose to acknowledge that we are in fact not the center of the world. That some of the people around us might be going through a struggle much harder than our own. David Foster Wallace explores this choice in This is Water.
As we go through our day to day life, do we default to our natural setting of thinking that every little inconvenience is only happening to us? Or do we choose to acknowledge that we are in fact not the center of the world. That some of the people around us might be going through a struggle much harder than our own. David Foster Wallace explores this choice in This is Water.