Willy Goldberger

Nacimiento : 1898-07-25, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 1960-01-01


German cinematographer. Opened a school of cinematography in Spain with fellow cinematographer Heinrich Gärtner.


Good Bye, Sevilla
La vida de un variopinto grupo de personas se ve alterada por el rodaje de una película.
El hombre que veía la muerte
Director of Photography
Hochzeit auf Reisen
Director of Photography
Esa pareja feliz
Director of Photography
Juan y Carmen son un humilde matrimonio madrileño. Ella se ocupa de las labores domésticas y él trabaja como electricista en unos estudios de cine. Sus sueños de bienestar se hacen realidad cuando ganan un concurso patrocinado por una marca de jabón.
Servicio en la mar
Director of Photography
El comandante de un submarino recibe la orden de hundir el barco en el que viajan su mujer y su hija.
Sin uniforme
Director of Photography
Un alegre vividor griego conoce a una refugiada polaca en Tánger durante la segunda guerra mundial. Los acontecimientos les llevarán a tomar activa parte durante la contienda.
Serenata española
Director of Photography
Corre el año 1910 y todo el teatro aplaude entusiasmado la interpretación de la 'Serenata española' de Isaac Albéniz. En uno de los palcos una pareja, Laura Salcedo y Brighton, recuerdan al genial compositor que conocieron muchos años atrás. Siendo un niño ganó el primer premio en el conservatorio de Madrid como intérprete de piano y por temor a una paliza de su padre huyó de casa en busca de la gloria. Tuvo que ir de un país a otro e incluso se enfrentó en un duelo por el amor de una gitanilla, Angustias. Cuando su vida se tambaleaba de cabaret en cabaret, conoce a Enrique y al empresario Brighton, que lo animan y apoyan y su talento acabaría triunfando en todo el mundo.
Un drama nuevo
Director of Photography
En el Globo, una compañía de teatro va a representar una nueva obra de Shakespeare. Se trata de una tragedia en la que el rey es traicionado por su esposa. El autor elige al actor cómico Yorick para representar el papel del hombre engañado, pero pronto descubre que esa situación es real: Alicia, la esposa de Yorick, mantiene un romance con Edmundo, otro actor de la compañía.
Un hombre de negocios
Director of Photography
Un tío lega a su sobrina una gran cantidad de dinero, creyendo que se ha casado, pero todo ha sido un truco para conseguir el dinero. Ahora, la chica se pone a temblar cuando su tío la avisa de que a verla...
Ella, él y sus millones
Director of Photography
Arturo Salazar es un poderoso hombre de negocios que desea emparentarse con la nobleza, así que pide a un amigo aristócrata que le busque una novia de sangre azul.
La vida empieza a medianoche
Director of Photography
La joven Silvia Heredia se hospeda en la casa de su mejor amiga, María, a su llegada a Madrid. Su objetivo es trabajar como secretaria de una famosa novelista. Pero por las noches la casa se encuentra llena de gente y acaban confundiéndola con la dueña del piso. Una serie de malentendidos hace que conozca a Ricardo Ariaga, el músico cuya opereta ”La vida empieza a medianoche” está a punto de estrenarse. Ricardo convence a Silvia para que se haga pasar por su esposa. Con un hijo "alquilado" intentarán ser la familia perfecta de un solitario anciano.
Tuvo la culpa Adán
Director of Photography
Los Olmedo, una familia de varones misóginos, han jurado odio eterno a las mujeres, desde que una de ellas dejó plantado a un miembro de la familia en la puerta de la iglesia. Sin embargo, el joven Adán está dispuesto a romper esa promesa cuando se enamora de la bella Nora.
Café de París
Director of Photography
Después de sufrir una tragedia familiar, Carmen abandona España y emigra a París, donde hará nuevos amigos entre algunos de los personajes más peculiares que habitan los barrios bohemios de la ciudad. (Película parcialmente perdida).
Noche fantástica
Director of Photography
Debido a un accidente ferroviario, los pasajeros de un tren deben alojarse en un pueblo cercano, mientras esperan la llegada del convoy de socorro. En su interior viajan Alicia y Pablo, que pronto contraerán matrimonio, junto con la madre de ella, y Jorge, un hombre maduro en busca de una mujer a la que amó y cuyo retrato guarda en el reloj. Debido a las circunstancias tendrán que pasar la noche allí, donde el azar provocará una serie de acontecimientos que hará que, a la mañana siguiente, el tren reanude su viaje con unos pasajeros que ya no van a ser los mismos.
Cristina Guzmán
Director of Photography
Cristina Guzmán, modesta profesora de idiomas se hace pasar por Fifí, esposa de un millonario americano, con el fin de devolverle la cordura, perdida tras el abandono de su mujer.
Rosas de otoño
Director of Photography
Isabel y Gonzalo, un matrimonio de la alta sociedad, ve en peligro su felicidad debido a las frecuentes aventuras amorosas del marido, que termina por relacionarse con una pareja de cínicos ladrones: ella se dedica a chantajear a Isabel, y él a estafar a Gonzalo en su negocio.
La condesa María
Director of Photography
La condesa María piensa que su hijo ha muerto en los campos de Rusia como soldado de la División Azul. Pero cuando recibe la visita de una mujer que afirma ser la esposa de éste, su vida cambia de manera radical.
Director of Photography
A una decrépita emisora de radio que pasa por malos momentos llega Carmen, una joven sevillana que desea triunfar en ese medio. Gracias a ella, la emisora conseguirá un premio muy cotizado.
Los millones de Polichinela
Director of Photography
Un joven cadete de la marina española está enamorado de una joven estudiante que vive en un internado femenino justo al lado de su academia naval. Los padres de la joven quieren que tenga un matrimonio de conveniencia con un maduro millonario americano, para aprovecharse de su fortuna. Pero al final el amor vencerá.
The Spell of the Empire
Director of Photography
Luís immigrated to the USA and intends to become an American. But after his father invites him on a journey to the Portuguese territories in Africa, he will find true love, and also learn to value his country and its colonial grandeur.
Valse éternelle
Director of Photography
Café Moscow
Director of Photography
About a man's disappointment in love, and this provides the foundation for the upcoming trial of a much more significant love. The scene of the fatal meeting, the bar, which is a kind of world-model, and its environment: a fort under siege, from where it's almost impossible to escape...
Hoheit tanzt Walzer
Director of Photography
El malvado Carabel
Based on the novel of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, this comedy where two friends try to become criminals achieved certain recognition.
Vidas rotas
Director of Photography
Tras divorciarse dos veces, un hombre de negocios vive sin preocuparse de los dos hijos que ha tenido.
Last Love
Director of Photography
A middle aged composer returns to Vienna after ten years in America, falls in love with a Japanese student and writes his last opera for her.
Bleeke Bet
In 1930s Amsterdam, greengrocer Bet is involved in illicit affairs with businessman Van Santen. To tighten bonds even further, Bet arranges a marriage between her handsome daughter Jans and the businessman's wacky son Hannes. Jans, however, is in love with tough sailor Ko. Based on the succesful Dutch stage musical by Herman Bouber.
Director of Photography
Going Gay
Director of Photography
Musical where two friends fall for the same lady and work to make her a star.
What Women Dream
Director of Photography
In this pre-WWII German mystery-comedy, a lovely kleptomaniac with a taste for fine jewelry is unable to resist temptation. Strangely, every time she steals something, a mysterious man pays for it. A clumsy detective begins investigating and finds a crucial clue: a strongly scented woman's glove. The perfume is an expensive scent and the detective's pal realizes that it belongs to a popular nightclub singer. The friend quickly becomes enamored of the girl, but then so does her mystery man, a notorious international criminal. Eventually he gets arrested, leaving the detective's pal to move in on the singer.
Madame Wants No Children
Director of Photography
The Rebel
Director of Photography
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
The Testament of Cornelius Gulden
Director of Photography
Tell Me Tonight
Director of Photography
El cantante de ópera Enrico Ferraro, cansado de sus demasiados compromisos, salta del tren escapando de su manager y se cambia a otro yendo a la Riviera. Hace un amigo y se detiene en un pueblo, donde (al parecer) puede por fin tener unas merecidas vacaciones, con el interés añadido de conocer a una hermosa chica de los alrededores.
A Song, A Kiss, A Girl
Director of Photography
Peter Franke owns Supraphon record company, which has one main competitor in Lyraphon. As a commercial strategy Peter gets engaged to her counter partner Asta, to his assistant Münzer's approval. Then he meets Wally Sommer, singing saleswoman at one of his shops, and all his plans are turned upside down while they both fall in love in this light musical comedy filled with Robert Stolz music.
A Little Love for You
Director of Photography
When his wife storms out of a dinner planned for his American boss (because their dog is not allowed at the table) an engineer substitutes his secretary and pretends she is the wife
Wrong Number, Miss
Director of Photography
Miss Inge Becker is a telephone operator. She makes an appointment with her unknown opera singer West. Simultaneously, Rainer, the young director of the telephone distribution, makes an appointment with him unknown Miss Lotte Schröder. The location of the meeting and sign of recognition of the two pairs are the same. An exchange with consequences cannot be avoided, as the next day the director wants to speak with Inge, because she neglects her service.
Madame Bluebeard
"The fate of a beautiful woman" tells a story of Erika Dankwarth that reflects herself in a multitude of men.
We Need No Money
Director of Photography
Un empresario prácticamente en bancarrota en un pequeño pueblo logra convencer a la gente de que su tío recién llegado, que es pobre, es un millonario estadounidense.
Director of Photography
Weekend in Paradise
Director of Photography
The Theft of the Mona Lisa
Director of Photography
This German crime drama was based on a true story. Willy Forst stars as a poverty-stricken Italian glazier who falls in love with French hotel maid Rosa Valletti. Struck by the girl's resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Forst manages to steal the painting from the Louvre in hopes of impressing his sweetheart. But when the girl proves to be a fickle sort, the crestfallen hero confesses his crime and is carted off to jail. Unwilling to admit that he'd been led astray by a woman, Forst claims that he stole the Mona Lisa to restore it to his native Italy, and as a result is hailed as a national hero! Raub der Mona Lisa was distributed in the U.S. by RKO Radio, under the title The Theft of the Mona Lisa.
Panic in Chicago
Director of Photography
Chicago gangsters use cunning and a series of false identities in a violent battle for dominance, all while attempting to dodge the police.
I Go Out and You Stay Here
Director of Photography
Weimar era screwball comedy about a floor model who is required to go out evenings to escort VIPs while her boyfriend has to wait at home.
Schubert's Dream of Spring
A love story about composer Franz Schubert based in 1827, Vienna.
The Darling of Vienna
Director of Photography
"Der Herr auf Bestellung" has the Weimar dream team of Walter Reisch as scriptwriter, Geza von Bolvary as director and most importantly, the incomparable Willi Forst as main actor. This 'musical burlesque' tells about a stylish young gentleman (Willi Forst) who works as a so-called 'Festredner'; an untranslatable term, it indicates a person who makes speeches at important events like marriages etc. for people who don't feel able to do it themselves. Willi lends his voice to a speech-impaired professor (Paul Hörbiger), but the baroness (Trude Lieske) who falls in love with Hörbiger only does so because of Willi's voice, and you can guess that this leads to all sorts of complications…
The Song Is Over
Director of Photography
Das Lied ist Aus (The Song Is Ended) is a typical early-talkie German musical in every respect, save one. The story, concerning the lives and loves of show folk, ends unhappily -- and surprisingly so. The doleful denouement didn't seem to have much effect on the film's box-office appeal, since Das Lied ist Aus proved a major moneymaker.
The Csikos Baroness
Director of Photography
A Tango for You
Director of Photography
Jimmy Bolt, a singer and dancer (and occasionally as a waiter) works at a varieté. The man may be talented, but he’s not exactly a big success, and things get complicated when a young orphan girl falls in love with the voice of another singer but then mistakes Bolt for him…
Two Hearts in Waltz Time
Director of Photography
Nicki and Vicki, two librettists who also happen to be brothers, are presently in collaboration with composer Toni. All too aware of Toni's amorous escapades, Nicki and Vicki try to keep the existence of their pretty sister Hedi a secret. Suffering from an acute case of writers' block (he has yet to find an inspiration for his next production), Toni throws a huge party, which is boycotted by his friends and associates so that he'll keep his mind on his work.
If you still have a home
Director of Photography
Anschluß um Mitternacht
Director of Photography
German silent film directed by Mario Bonnard and starring Marcella Albani, Ralph Arthur Roberts and Curt Bois.
Serenissimus und die letzte Jungfrau
Director of Photography
Das Erwachen des Weibes
Director of Photography
"First Love" - Karsten, a college boy, oppressed to the point of suicide by harsh teachers, calls on the girl he loves Ellen. He finds her about to be raped by a seducer. Karsten shoots the attacker.
U 9 Weddigen
Director of Photography
a silent war movie by Heinz Paul
Children's Souls Accuse You
Director of Photography
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
Deutsche Herzen am deutschen Rhein
Director of Photography
People in Need
Director of Photography
Des Lebens Würfelspiel
Director of Photography
a silent movie by Heinz Paul
Der Mann um Mitternacht
Director of Photography
Crimen y castigo
Director of Photography
Adaptación silente de la novela "Crimen y castigo", de Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Dr. Gyllenborgs doppeltes Gesicht
Director of Photography
Das Logierhaus für Gentleman
Director of Photography
Tanja, die Frau an der Kette
Director of Photography
Das begrabene Ich
Director of Photography
The Golden Plague
Director of Photography
Aus den Memoiren einer Filmschauspielerin
Director of Photography
Der Sträfling von Cayenne
Director of Photography
Trix, der Roman einer Millionärin
Director of Photography
Miss Beryll... die Laune eines Millionärs
Director of Photography
Die Geliebte des Grafen Varenne
Director of Photography
Wer unter Euch ohne Sünde ist
Director of Photography
Monte Carlo
Director of Photography
Die Diamantenkonkurrenz
Director of Photography
Anna Karenina
Director of Photography
Die Prinzessin vom Nil
Director of Photography